Why is sherdog.net so slow?

They spend the money they earn on buying fried food, hot dogs, and other kind of unhealthy food instead of upgrading their servers.
Wow im glad im not the only one i thought i just needed to reboot my computer lol.

My other question is the events used to all be in order of what is happening next now they have it some 8 months away.
It has always been kind of slow for me, but I admit it has been brutally slow this last week.
Going to Sherdog.net is now retro. It's like going to a forum in 1995 with a 28.8k modem...
the forum started chugging at the end of UFN and damn near imploded seconds after the Fedor victory, it's been realllly slow lately
it took 60 seconds for this shitty thread to come up. damn this sucks.
I think they have lost a few hamsters and gerbils that were running on the treadmill - wheel. Probably has something to do with Jake Rossen.
I love how the guy complaining about there being too many double posts, triple posted while doing it.

He's been doing that in other threads all night.

Seriously, you retarded motherfucker, don't fucking click the reply button over and over. That won't make it work better.
hahaha yea i hate that shit too, always pops up where ima click then i end up in another site
I use Firefox browser and have an add-on called "flash block." Might wanna check that out, I've never seen that ad but when when I was on a friends comp today I did. *
Yeah I Thought It Was My Comp 2 But It`s Sherdogs Server Its Running 2 Slow Mr Jeff Sherwood Lets Get Some Bigger Servers Going Especially On Mma Weekends Like We Had This Weekend!!! U Cant Evenpost Without It Taking 3 Minutes!!!!!