Why don't women have to register for the draft? (USA)


May 28, 2017
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Feminists complain about equality all day but it's funny you never hear them talking about the draft. Currently it's federal law that men must register at 18. Women don't have to. If everything was equal shouldn't women have to register as well?...

Sexist state.
Because real men who aren't little bitches recognize that the point of the draft is to protect their women back home, and only a little cry baby bitch of a man would want to change that.
It should be optional and we should pressure the militant feminist cunts to volunteer.
I'll gladly fight the state before they conscript my wife or daughters for war.
lol could you imagine sitting at home opening mail, one Sunday afternoon while the Chinese are landing boats in California and the Russians are dropping bombs on Jersey, and you get the draft notice for your wife and daughter. You're good. You get to stay home, but they're going. They are needed on the front line in a medical tent, asap.
Be grateful this is what is required for a woman to enter the Australian army. This lowering(further) of the bar is due to the PC crowd complaining that proportionately there aren't enough women in the army.....

4 push-ups and 20 situps. Given 7 weeks to get 8 push-ups and 45 sit-ups required for to start proper training.

Feel sorry for any shot digger needing to be dragged 15meters out of the line of fire in a hurry.

Just be grateful.

Edit- Australian army
...because the U.S. Congress decided to shelve plans to have women register for the draft in June of this year.
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Because real men who aren't little bitches recognize that the point of the draft is to protect their women back home, and only a little cry baby bitch of a man would want to change that.
It's actually to protect their home country, not just the women in it. I think the particularly loud ones would differ with you there anyway, saying it's patronizing to pretend women need men's protection.

I don't want women to have to register for the draft, because there are a ton of women who don't buy into the shit about the country being an oppressive patriarchy, are actually nice people, and shouldn't be on the hook and forced into combat just because some sad feminists bitch not having equal representation in only the high paying jobs. Wouldn't mind throwing that young turks girl in the draft though, and the other ones that put that abortion march together.
i actually looked it up, and there are a lot of articles you could look up and get answers to your question of what feminist think about the draft and why.

but you dont really want answers, do you
Most feminist rhetoric regarding the draft is that "the draft" needs to be ended altogether.

To reach any sort of true equality, it has to be done by raising everyone up, not dragging people down. It would be just as equal, even moreso, really, to end the draft altogether than to register even more people.
Most feminist rhetoric regarding the draft is that "the draft" needs to be ended altogether. It would be just as equal, even moreso, really, to end the draft altogether than to register even more people.

Hello! We have not had the draft in the United States since 1973. It has been an all volunteer military since that time. Registering is one thing, being drafted is another. By law, all American men have to register at 18. That does not mean you are going to serve. There was no draft during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. There will most likely never be a draft again. You still have to register though.
Hello! We have not had the draft in the United States since 1973. It has been an all volunteer military since that time. Registering is one thing, being drafted is another. By law, all American men have to register at 18. That does not mean you are going to serve. There was no draft during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. There will most likely never be a draft again. You still have to register though.

While we have not "had the draft", that is the entire point of "Selective Service Registration".

I don't want women to have to register. I don't want men to have to register. I should not be required, under the threat of legal consequence, to register.

If you catch a feminist saying "men should have to register, but women shouldn't", then she's a hypocrite. Call her on it. But from what I've seen [and trust me, I hate feminism, so I would call it if I saw it], most feminists argue that that select service registration should be ended altogether.
It's bullshit. Selective service is bullshit in general. The draft is slavery.
They should have to register. Everyone should have toe register when they reach 18.

If you are not mentally or physically fit (not out of shape but realty not fit) then they should classify you at that time.

If the draft was ever needed (And it would have to be a he'll of something going on) then they could defer people that should not serve. Like women with kids or whatever.
If I identify as a woman...do I get to avoid the draft?

Every single American should have to register for the draft or should have to legally claim status as a conscientious objector. If you choose the latter, you can't get a lot of jobs or assistance from the government, as it should be. If you are unwilling to contribute to your country, you should effectively lose citizenship and all the rights afforded by it. I'm on the fence about compulsory service for all citizens.
real men and women know their role in society.

Quit bitching and kick ass private, that's an order!!!!
It's fine if you think that they should be included, just don't show up on a thread about the military and whine that women are too weak to serve.

Also, the vast majority of women aren't third-wave feminists, white women voted for Trump. I don't see why they should have to suffer because you're angry at the small percentage of crazy feminists. That's really the story here, you're angry at women.