Why do people say unalive instead of dead?

You know... I'm almost starting to think I should begin reading through all the responses before I start posting in a thread. Would save a lot of time.
Ain't nobody got time for that
Felt the same way when we could no longer say mongoloid, then it was bad to say retard, then it was bad to say handicapable, im not even sure what we are supposed to call people who are slow.
I could see why handicapable is a bad name for retards. Stopping that one at least makes sense.
YouTube algorithms target certain words and "Dead" is one is them. Creators work around it to not get demonetized.

It's stupid, but things like this will shape our language in the future.

Or maybe these words are put in to make sure the plebs alter the words that normally would take more effort to alter in society.

Meanwhile in Ukraine, 1248 Russian combat operatives were made unalive today by a barrage of full automated, self sacrificing flying surprise cylinders.
Is that even a word? Can't say I recall anybody saying it in real life.
I thought YouTube had some kind of automated system to catch suicide and rape spoken in videos and demonatize them or something. So people started saying stupid shit instead and then the shitheads continued on into normal speak since they have rocks for brains.
I do it cause I read it in this thread and it’s fuckin awesom