Why do people say unalive instead of dead?

Felt the same way when we could no longer say mongoloid, then it was bad to say retard, then it was bad to say handicapable, im not even sure what we are supposed to call people who are slow.
Liberals. Playing hockey, I just call guys in trash talking liberals now. It seems to get under a lot of guys’ skin too lol
My only issue with this term is the definition doesn't makes sense. Undead = technically dead but somehow moving around displaying some characteristics of being "alive." Unalive is when you're alive but just sitting around with no will to live or even fap.
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Perfect time for another platform to come along and compete with YouTube
It's not new. Unalive = kill or suicide and that's said on YouTube so the creators avoid their video getting flagged. As far as language generally, bear in mind that

he did this bit over 30 years ago.

How did he ever get over people deciding to call it toilet paper at some point or did they run that one by him?
Youtube has a lot of dumb censorship if you watch the Guntuber channels they have to use all these ridiculous words to keep from being demonetized or lose their channels. Even news channels sound unprofessional AF when they have to use silly phrases to report crimes it lessens the gravity of the situation.
Shit, I got demonentized on Instagram because I wrote " why does this chicken tastes like dog?". I didn't even know my account was monetized 😕 😑

That's also why they say "grape" or "SA" instead of the old in out in out game and why they say PDF-File instead of child fucker.
Is this a new trend of stupidity or something? YouTube videos/commentes ect people will say unalive instead of dead

And I don't like it at all.
The reason why they have to swap a whole bunch of words is that youtube's lame ass algorithm will detect certain words and decide that the video isn't appropriate for monetization and they won't make any money for the video.

There are a whole bunch of words that are banned and creators have to substitute... unless you are a mainstream news channel, they can say whatever they like with full monetization.
Places like YouTube will demonetize your video for talking about killing/death. People started using alternate terms like that for the algorithm to not automatically demonetize them.
I can't stand the way so many people say 'passed' 'passed on' 'passed away', instead of dead, died. It's as if they can't bring themselves to say died, so they kinda sugarcoat it to not sound so final.
YouTube algorithms target certain words and "Dead" is one is them. Creators work around it to not get demonetized.

It's stupid, but things like this will shape our language in the future.

This, and there's much more than one word.

Mentioning 'suicide' or 'illegal immigrants' in a video is how creators get their videos instantly demonotized, and many creators invest money and time into their videos so if its instantly demonitized its a complete loss.

Saying 'Unalived Himself' and 'New entries' is a way for their videos to stay monitized and get their message across.

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