why do grown men like wrestling?


Brown Belt
Jun 18, 2016
Reaction score
can u explain it please.

its like the lamest thing ever. extremely gay outfits. horrible acting. cheesy moves that never work. poor athleticism. whats the catch ?
Go away and watch Avengers, Star Wars and Game of Thrones.
can u explain it please.

its like the lamest thing ever. extremely gay outfits. horrible acting. cheesy moves that never work. poor athleticism. whats the catch ?
It's an art, and a form of entertainment. The acting and attire are deliberately campy. And lol at someone on an mma board criticizing the level of athleticism in pro wrestling.

Also, for people who were fans as kids, it's interesting to learn about the dark underworld that occurs behind the curtain in wrestling.
Because I like to watch grown men play dress up and fake fight in their underwear
You got a problem with that?
can u explain it please.

its like the lamest thing ever. extremely gay outfits. horrible acting. cheesy moves that never work. poor athleticism. whats the catch ?
MMA is wrestling with shittier booking.

It's true.
MMA even has their booking done for them and promoters cant do it right.

Well too be fair, that can be said for the wwe today in a lot of cases.
Well too be fair, that can be said for the wwe today in a lot of cases.

I don't watch WWE outside of PPV's for main product and NXT. So I can't say I have the pleasure of having that knowledge :D
Why are there grown men that can't even bench press their own body weight?
Because in its high moments, it's better drama with more excitement than you can ever get at a movie.. EVER. Those moments are fewer and far between, but when they happen, the emotion of the crowd can almost bring a n***a to tears.
Wonder how long a thread with literally the same wording as TS except “UFC” instead of “wrestling” would last in the Heavies...
My 76 yr old dad loves it. And stil think its real lol. Watches wwe vids in youtube all day long. And im not lying about it
The same reason people watch any other movie or TV show? Escapism/entertainment. Also, poor athleticism? Is that a joke? To be any good you have to be strong, agile, precise, and well conditioned. Having trained ever so slightly (literally 2 sessions) I can safely say that most people couldn't handle running the ropes for a few minutes much less work an actual match.
can u explain it please.

its like the lamest thing ever. extremely gay outfits. horrible acting. cheesy moves that never work. poor athleticism. whats the catch ?

Wow, I never thought of it that way. I wonder why no one's ever made this point before?