Who is the biggest 'quitter' when they are facing adversity.


Black Belt
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
I will probably hear Rumble a lot but he's not half as bad as Vitor. I think he just gives up when things don't go his way and accepts the loss. What are your picks?
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Sapp doesn't entirely count. His fights are more like pseudo works than anything else. I think Overeem is the answer
Overeem isnt cowardly. He just isnt durable. His recovery is bad.
I thought Gomi was terrible when he faced adversity. When he pointed at Nick Diaz' eye when he's getting handled by him,i mean,thats a total heel move to try to get a fight stopped that you are losing.
We also saw the temper tantrum when he Azeredo gave him trouble.

Edit: see post #156 before commenting - I put respect on AP's name and changed my mind. Showtime is not a quitter...but he need step his game up because it's evolving and he's not.
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Penn and Belfort stand out to me quite a bit. Like they just give up when things dont go their way at all.

Imagine if they had wills like Lawler or something.
Ronda and Sage
Not Ronda, mate. She suffers from getting stuck in one gear and not having a plan B but quitting?

She would die in there if her brain didn't shut off to signal to the ref' that she's had enough. For all the cry-babying and puerile social antics she does outside the octagon, she's steel-hearted once in there.
Not sure what a quiter is. Faber is a huge quitter going into survival mode immediately against better opponents.