Who else is skipping TUF rousey vs Tate?

I dunno. I imagine the chicks will be out there looking for blood and UFC dollars.

And I'm having a hard time believing that anything could be worse than TUF 16. I wouldn't have been shocked if that season had killed the series.
Absolutely, you would be silly not to. The Women are going to be hungry and with vets like Evinger, Queen of Spades and LaRosa in the mix you can be nearly certain that their going be all business. and as far as the guys go, there re just as many if not more blue chip prospects this season than the last few Bellator BW tourneys. All in all its shaping up nicely, far from the stupid "Jersey Shore" hyperbole that some on this forum spouted about.
This season just has a Real World/Big Brother feel to it. It'll be even more reality show-ish than previous seasons, and that's saying a lot
I'm skipping not because of the women but because theirs barely any knockouts with the little guys might watch a few episodes just to see Ronda complain.
Rousey makes me not want to watch it, but seeing cupcake and hopefully a few interesting male fighters is worth the watch
I'll watch it but I'll skip past the bitch shit unless I hear one of them has a good fight
Personally, I'm not interested in "tuf" anymore. It's grown pretty stale in my opinion. We haven't had any elite fighters come from the show in a while and each season that's what we are promised....
I'm looking forward to this more than any other season. The dynamic of having women/men training in the same house and men taking instruction from women is probably going to be entertaining, and watching Ronda mentally abuse Miesha for weeks on end will be hilarious. I don't understand the Ronda hate at all, the only fighter she ever truly talked shit on is Miesha and its not like Miesha was exactly respectful when the two first signed for a fight years ago. Not sure what the hate for women's MMA is either, there are some incredible martial artists in the female divisions.
I was very interested for this season, but the preview was very grating.

I might tune in here and there for a bit. Or at the very least to see the fights.
I'm looking forward to it, although i'm a bit behind on TUF - I've literally only just finished watching the US VS UK one!

I'm undecided on if i'm going to watch it as it's aired or wait until it's out as a boxset on DVD tho. Every other one i've seen i've watched through the boxset.
Excited for the fights. You couldn't pay me enough to watch the drama/in-house stuff.
I might watch TUF for the first time ever.
I'm looking forward to this more than any other season. The dynamic of having women/men training in the same house and men taking instruction from women is probably going to be entertaining, and watching Ronda mentally abuse Miesha for weeks on end will be hilarious. I don't understand the Ronda hate at all, the only fighter she ever truly talked shit on is Miesha and its not like Miesha was exactly respectful when the two first signed for a fight years ago. Not sure what the hate for women's MMA is either, there are some incredible martial artists in the female divisions.

Everything so far suggests it's the other way around