Movies Which is better: American History X vs Training Day

That and RC banging that chick doggie are the only things I remember from that movie.

Had its moments but AHX still...
There are other good moments.

"We are here to ruin your life and destroy everything....God sent us."
You ever see Russel Crowe in Romper Stomper?


Came to post this one.
Man I just never resonated with American History X and I never cared too much for Denzel Washington. However Washington's performance in Training Day was an all-time great performance by him. While I don't think the storyline is as good as American history x, to me Training day is such a more rewatchable movie
American History X quite easily.

Training Day was decent but it was ridiculous to pretend all of that shit was happening in one fucking day. You'd be hard pressed to make all of that happen in one week.

Well if realism is your complaint then you can point that at American History X also
Derek isnt gonna just drop out of a Big 4 prison gang and safely walk the yard for the rest of his time, he woulda got more than a couple dicks shoved in him, woulda been a whole buncha sharp metal poking him all over the place til they took his wind, so Derek never gets outta prison and the entire second half of the movie never happens
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That's a good matchup and hard to choose between the two...
I like both and can't decide. I probably watch training day more often however.
Who the heck wants to watch American History X more than once? I saw that movie in middle school class back in 1998. Haven't watched it since.
American History X ain't got shit on Training Day.
Training Day is the better entertainment product. American History X plays more like non-fiction on a sensitive subject matter with a depressing ending.
American History X but neither are particularly great. They are both heavy handed to the point being silly. I had to watch American History X to get a few times to get to that point. Training Day was like that to me the first watch, like it was bordering on satire. Both have good performances that get brought down in lazily written scripts. Watching them seriously is almost like liking the director call you a dummy.
Well if realism is your complaint then you can point that at American History X also
Derek isnt gonna just drop out of a Big 4 prison gang and safely walk the yard for the rest of his time, he woulda got more than a couple dicks shoved in him, woulda been a whole buncha sharp metal poking him all over the place til they took his wind, so Derek never gets outta prison and the entire second half of the movie never happens

Lol. These guys are running around LA doing the most ridiculous shit in a period of hours. Take traffic into account and Jake doesn't even make it for coffee in the morning. The movie is over before it starts.

Derek took his lumps in the shower for us. He doesn't owe anyone anything.
Training Day is more entertaining and re-watchable. AHX is probably the better overall film. Both are good but lay it on super thick
Its like trying to choose between regular Nacho Cheese Doritos and Cool Ranch when I ate chips....both are equally great in different ways.
Training Day is good. It’s a lot of fun. But it’s also somewhat cartoonish. A little far fetched. AHX was just straight up gritty.
Pulling on the boots, and threading up the laces.
Shaving our heads, and strapping on the braces. Now your a skinhead, looking for a foight
Skinhead skinhead running through the night!