When Will Women Stop With the Leggins

It is - i mean if someone has the body no denying that they look good. But leave something to the imagination and for fucks sake they're not fit to be work clothes.


The only thing that bothers is the girl filming herself doing 60 lbs SOHP.

I laughed.
I’m gay cause that’s the first thing I noticed too, psssshhh girly weight(Arnold voice)
I went to the bank earlier today and one of the tellers had on leggings. It just looked like she should be going to work out or do yoga and not helping customers in the bank.
I was going to reply, but you guys got this shit covered. What the hell is wrong with TS.
Just to share a tip, work out where someone is walking beforehand and look at that point...

"oh look what moved into my field of vision, that's the very last thing I intended to look at!"
LOL that reminds me of the Futurama episode where Fry's playing space invaders...don't shoot where I am, shoot where I'm going to be! LOL gold
They wear them more now cause they're made to keep them in place more. Like Lululemon. It's just another lie like pushup bras and makeup and heels.

Where are jeans that make me look like I got a 12 inch cock? Lol there's my get rich idea. Jeans with a fake huge bulge


To be fair on questioning theres also a clear comfort element for women, the comments i'v gotten/heard/read on the subject tend to be either very loose or very tight feels best. You look at athletes for example where women are going to wear the most comfortable most efficient clothing for movement and it very much holds, some very loose shorts for long distance but mostly....


Lucky us.
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Stop wearing comfortable pants?

Hard no, thanks.
I went to the bank earlier today and one of the tellers had on leggings. It just looked like she should be going to work out or do yoga and not helping customers in the bank.
As much as it looks great on some women... It is kind weird how lazy some women have become with just throwing in leggings every day. When it you couple them with ballet flats it's like they're not even trying to look presentable.

What's even better are middle aged women wearing Lululemon shit all day everyday even thought they're aren't even working out and probably haven't that day. Active wear as a fashion statement.
3 yrs later that fat chicks still wearing this ugly as things.
3 yrs later that fat chicks still wearing this ugly as things.
Take the good with the bad. For every chick that looks good in them, there's two fatsos trying to compress their cottage cheese.
Girl at my local cafe wears these every morning for her 10am caffeine fix, god damn she has a great rig, I feel like I actually love her