When someone dies on a boat in the middle of the ocean


Brown Belt
Mar 16, 2016
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where do they put the body? It could take weeks to get back to land depending on where they are on the ocean (especially if they are in the middle of nowhere in the Pacific).
they probably store it in a freezer or embalm it.
Large ships have morgues.

Smaller vessels use body bags.
They just tie a rope to the leg throw the body over the side drag it along
I'm pretty sure that International Maritime Law says to just Bin Laden their ass.
You eat them and poop them into the sea

Why waste food? ;)
where do they put the body? It could take weeks to get back to land depending on where they are on the ocean (especially if they are in the middle of nowhere in the Pacific).
My company cleans those bodies up and sanitized the vessel. Its quite disgusting.
Back when I was in the Navy we'd preserve the body to stop it decomposing

A lot of lonely sailors out there on the high seas ...
Large ships have morgues.

Smaller vessels use body bags.

Lots of older people takes cruises as well, I'v heard from people who work on them that multiple deaths are not unusual at all on long cuirses in large ships.