What's the ideal height for each division? Fighters are getting taller

Everybody is into tall men. Tall men look stronger, more confident, authoritative and have a presence when they step into the room. A 5'7 and 6'4 guy steps into the room and everyone looks at the 6'4 guy as the alpha and assumes the 5'7 guy is the beta. Manlets are just kidding themselves if they told you they didn't want to at least be 6'1.
Of-course every guy would rather be tall than short. I do feel like people over-exaggerate though with the length thing. Also, the alpha and beta shit is gay as fuck to begin with. But if you want to divide men like that, being an alpha is based on more than just height, things like confidence, body language etc. Being short isn't the best hand to be dealt, but it's not the end of the world. BTW, I live in the Netherlands, so almost everyone is tall here. At 6'4 you'll still meet plenty of taller people here (even women).
I made this observation a few months ago and crunching the numbers to find that taller fighter wins 75% of the time when there's a 2 inch difference in height.

And what's interesting to me is that fighters in the lower divisions seem to be getting taller. I remember hte days when 5ft9 manlets were the norm at WW, now guys 6ft+ are the standard

In today's environment what's the ideal height for each division?

"Crunching the numbers"

I think you meant "making up shit"

Not only no evidence, contrary to the exiating champions and topped ranked fighters
cut it out BJ ain't 5'7"
Aldo is 5'7", for some perspective. While were at it, Frankie is a legit 5'6",....but Faber and Mendes seem a tad shorter.

well BJ is definitely NOT 5'9 as he is listed in the ufc. i said he about 5'7 to 5'8ish. Do agree Faber and Mendez seem bit shorter than 5'6. Again, the UFC listed height is often exaggerated though.
I made this observation a few months ago and crunching the numbers to find that taller fighter wins 75% of the time when there's a 2 inch difference in height.

And what's interesting to me is that fighters in the lower divisions seem to be getting taller. I remember hte days when 5ft9 manlets were the norm at WW, now guys 6ft+ are the standard

In today's environment what's the ideal height for each division?

Uh, it's on teh webz brah

FLW 5'6"
BW 5'8"
FW 5'9" - 5'10"
LW 5'10-6'0
WW 5'11"-6'2"
MW 6'0 - 6'3"
LHW 6'1-6'4
HW 6'2 - pre height cut Carwin height
LOL GSP is 5'9 at best bruddeh, guy was the original height conscious manlet

Where the top of your head is isn't that important. In sports generally having high shoulders or long reach is what makes you "bigger" and GSP had both.
well BJ is definitely NOT 5'9 as he is listed in the ufc. i said he about 5'7 to 5'8ish. Do agree Faber and Mendez seem bit shorter than 5'6. Again, the UFC listed height is often exaggerated though.

Your thinking BJ isn't 5'9" could be due to his build. If we are to believe that Nick Diaz and Macdonald are 6'0", then 5'9" is not an unreasonable height for Penn judging from their staredown and media appearances.
Your thinking BJ isn't 5'9" could be due to his build. If we are to believe that Nick Diaz and Macdonald are 6'0", then 5'9" is not an unreasonable height for Penn judging from their staredown and media appearances.

probably. but people always say GSP is barely or rounded up to 5'10. if thats case BJ is def not 5'9 barefoot as BJ looked at least 1 to 2 inches shorter than GSP the 2x they fought.

think we can agree that the ufc listed height is not all accurate.
The sport is ruled by weight classes, but it seems most fighters have decided having extra inches rather than extra muscle is better for them

Lot of skinny ass guys whom you wouldn't traditionally think would the the top badasses are apparently
What we should talk about is APE-index.
Your thinking BJ isn't 5'9" could be due to his build. If we are to believe that Nick Diaz and Macdonald are 6'0", then 5'9" is not an unreasonable height for Penn judging from their staredown and media appearances.
You think this is 3 inches then?

BJ is nowhere near 5'9.


I made this observation a few months ago and crunching the numbers to find that taller fighter wins 75% of the time when there's a 2 inch difference in height.

And what's interesting to me is that fighters in the lower divisions seem to be getting taller. I remember hte days when 5ft9 manlets were the norm at WW, now guys 6ft+ are the standard

In today's environment what's the ideal height for each division?
It's a great observation that makes sense.

Apart from the odd very unusual standout like Tyson, manlets are unlikely to win.

Perhaps part of what weighs them down literally is all that mass that they pack on in order to compensate for their small stature.