What is your least favorite commercial?


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
Mine is probably the commercial with the little annoying hipster girl who says "what's a computer?" When an adult asks her what kind of computer that was. It seems so bratty and hipsterish. It is so bad that they disabled comments on it because people hate it so much.

Other ones I dislike are

• The one where people are sitting at a table on the highway and it says they're not actors (yea right).

• The boy who walks in to his parents bedroom and tells them he got into a minor accident and they simply say "4 weeks without the car" and he walks away.
State Farm , all state , farmers , geico , libeet mutual.
Hipster Smart phone device songs

Stupid Gatorade commercials where they all get loud and hype “ let’s go”
Adblocker Ultimate/Ublock Origin. Haven't seen a commercial in years.
The ones where Chevy wants us to believe that focus groups think a $22,000 Malibu looks like an $80,000 BMW
Any prescription drug commercial. Why are you advertising prescription drugs directly to the public. They should be only marketed to doctors for them to prescribe
Any of them where the volume level is significantly higher than the volume level of the show I'm watching.
The Addiction Network.
I don't really have a least favorite commercial..

But this one is pretty funny

I dont discriminate. i hate every single one equally.
Sara McLachlan can go eat a bag of dicks. Those Etrader commercials with the talking baby freaked me out.