What Does This Photo of Donald Trump's Sons Tell You About Donald Trump, If Anything?

No but if this on a reservation and surplus leporads then it fine. I read that the rich who do these eat the meat or let the African guides eat it. They use all animal
We have idea if leopard population is to high. Even if there needs to be a cull, the locals who kill the animals as part of a cull, aren't doing it as entertainment and enjoyment. The Trump kids did it as entertainment and enjoyment. Motives are different. It says a lot about the kind of people they are ,that they would derive pleasure from killing animals just for pleasure.
That he's probably rich and that he's been rich for the entirety of his kids lives. That's probably the only reasonable conclusion I could draw about the parent from that picture.

Now, it tells me a lot more about the sons themselves.
I won't answer the pointless question, but I will respond to all the whiny anti-hunting tools in here. My grandfather in law is one of those evil rich white guys that goes to Africa and kills exotic shit. Between the numerous hunts he has been on as well as donations to conservation groups like SCI he has probably put more money towards the conservation of these animals than most of you whiners will make in your bum life. You might not like the method that is used but it accomplishes a very important goal that benefits everybody. So we have to kill the animals to save them?!?!?! Herpity derp! Well maybe not, but are you going to figure out a better way to do it and fund it? If not, just keep on with your useless whining I guess.
The picture shows that that one of them is jealous of the others girl and that they both have been thinking about work too much while trying to enjoy a family adventure.
Trumps son shouldn't have shot that cat. It was the wrong thing for Trump to do.

Donald Jr. and Eric on a big-game hunting trip

EDIT: Good answers so far, though none of you have actually answered the question. What does the photo tell you about DONALD TRUMP?
That people living their lives happily makes you bitter ? Since when grown men cares so mutch about others private lives/hobbies. Where you raised by a single mom?
i actually have less of a problem w/ this than say a Deer or Bird

i mean a leopard or whatnot can actually merc you
i don't care if people hunt deer either, but at least this is somewhat risky (assuming it wasn't drugged and just sitting there or some weird stunt)
What does this image tell you about Trumps sons?

He got cucked by someone. One is fair, the other looks like an Arab.
Jr. does look a little a swarthy, doesn't he?

DNA testing might find something interesting.

They're superpriveleged jackasses who can pay big money to go on canned hunts where they're never in danger