Crime What did the cops do wrong today Megathread Vol. 6 ? (who knows, lots of cop threads)

If dispatch gave the wrong address it won't be on the officers

It really depends on what they were told was happening. It is was a simple loud argument, they don’t have exigent circumstances to enter. Even if it wa the right apartment, I don’t see any reason for them to go it-again, depends on what was reported to be going on. Of the caller claimed to hear him yell he was going to kill her and heard striking sounds of heard her say please don’t kill me-that’s one thing. Saying they are arguing and being loud is another
It really depends on what they were told was happening. It is was a simple loud argument, they don’t have exigent circumstances to enter. Even if it wa the right apartment, I don’t see any reason for them to go it-again, depends on what was reported to be going on. Of the caller claimed to hear him yell he was going to kill her and heard striking sounds of heard her say please don’t kill me-that’s one thing. Saying they are arguing and being loud is another

We know what she reported. We can hear her tell him in the body cam footage.

If it had differed significantly from what she said in the 911 call, the cop would have asked about the discrepancy.

And what she describes in the video is nothing more than a loud argument "getting out of hand", which for extra incompetence points, the cops doesn't ask her to clarify what she means by that.

I think the most telling thing of all is that the guy in the front office doesn't even seem to have any idea why the police was even called at all. One would think that if there had been any sort of altercation that merited police presence, the info would've made its way to him first.

ETA: And we know what information the cop had when he arrived, because he lept asking if there “was a fight or something”. That right there tells me he came in very light on details.
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Shit, I just realized that this is the same department that the acorn deputy worked for.

Seems like the SD is full of trigger-happy cowards.
Someone should make a fictional series about this department based off of all the popular cop shows but at the end of every episode they kill beat and/or arrest the wrong guy and then go out for drinks to celebrate.
Law and Disorder: “Special” Forces Victimizing Unit
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Smh at responding to a possible domestic dispute alone. Also, absent any clear indication of imminent danger involved, slow the fuck down. Make time your friend!
Other than that, looks like a good shoot.
kicking in the wrong door and then Shooting an innocent military member for holding (not aiming, not brandishing, not threatening with) a legally owned gun in his own living room is a “good shoot” to you?

Jesus man. Raise your standards
Must’ve done this 1000 times. On the way there ask dispatch any prior events? Yes they say.
So is there any phone number associated with this location if so call it. If you reach someone tell them to come to the door because the police want to talk to them.
The cop pounded on the door repeatedly and loudly announced and identify himself.
Who in their right mind answers the door for the police with a gun in his hand?
And please the cop is supposed to instantly recognize whether it’s brandishing or aiming?
Certainly unfortunate and could’ve been handled in a much more professional manner not with standing but answer the door unarmed when the police knock on it.
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Cops responding to a disturbance knock on the wrong door and don’t ID themselves. The start knocking more forcefully so the man inside goes and grabs his legally owned gun. Cops kick in the door, see the man armed in his own living room and start blasting.

Every single one of those cops should be fired and never be allowed to be a cop again. Pretty much every gun owner is going to do exactly what that guy did. If someone starts pounding on my door and does not ID themselves, I am also going to go get my gun.

I was actually going to post this one. If they did indeed go to the wrong apartment, they will be properly fucked. Exigent circumstances only apply if you know or believe the crime is happening at that very moment-example being they heard someone being beaten and calling for help. When I say “if” they went to the wrong apartment, that is because ben crump is representing the family and he usually only picks scumbags so it would not totally surprise me to find out that this was the right apartment but the female had already left.
I read these comments before watching the bodycam footage and thought I must have gotten the wrong video. There's only one cop and he doesn't bust into the apartment. He does identify himself. The shit is so different I am still questioning if I am mistaking two different incidents. However, I still think the cop was too jumpy.

Must’ve done this 1000 times. On the way there ask dispatch any prior events? Yes they say.
So is there any phone number associated with this location if so call it. If you reach someone tell them to come to the door because the police want to talk to them.
Barring this scenario the cop pounded on the door loudly announcing who he was and waited.
Who in their right mind answers the door for the police with a gun in his hand?
And please the cop is supposed to instantly recognize whether it’s brandishing or aiming?
Certainly unfortunate and could’ve been handled in a much more professional manner not with standing but answer the door unarmed when the police knock on it.
What were the priors for this address, exactly? There was no evidence of anything happening, no victim calling for help themselves, no sounds of a disturbance when the cops arrived. You had a woman who called said she heard arguing and that she had heard arguing 2 weeks ago. Not a bunch of neighbors, not the apartment manager, just one woman.

Yes, he was holding a gun when he opened the door. That’s not illegal. If I answer the door with a gun in my right hand pointed at the floor and my left hand up in the universal non violent gesture and the post mates driver smokes me, would that a good shoot too?
First of all it was a good or a clean shoot in the sense that their exposure to liability is very limited. It’s never good when someone gets shot especially if it was potentially avoidable.
But the cop did knock loudly repeatedly identify himself.
The last bit of local jargon eludes me.
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Every single one of those cops should be fired and never be allowed to be a cop again. Pretty much every gun owner is going to do exactly what that guy did. If someone starts pounding on my door and does not ID themselves, I am also going to go get my gun.
This is why we kneel.
First of all it was a good or a clean shoot in the sense that their exposure to liability is very limited. It’s never good when someone gets shot especially if it was potentially avoidable.
But the cop did knock loudly repeatedly identify himself.
The last bit of local jargon eludes me.
The question is: if it’s a “good shoot” for a cop to do this, then can the same be said for anyone else? If he opens the door with a gun in his hand just like this and the pizza kid shoots him 6 times is that a good shoot?
First of all it was a good or a clean shoot in the sense that their exposure to liability is very limited. It’s never good when someone gets shot especially if it was potentially avoidable.
But the cop did knock loudly repeatedly identify himself.
The last bit of local jargon eludes me.

You cant shoot people just because they're holding a gun in a Country where we have a constitutional right to do that, especially on their own property. He had every right to answer the door holding a gun, and I'm not a 2-A nutcase. In fact I think the 2nd Amendment was purposefully and grossly misinterpreted BY the SCOTUS in a way that made these kinds of incidents more common, and made society less safe. But me having that opinion doesnt change the current interpretation, in which, a homeowner has every right to answer the door armed. If he was brandishing or pointing I'd understand this point better, but the fact remains the Cop overreacted to the sight of a (black) man with a gun, and is employed by the same Department that had a guy freak out and empty a clip over a f*ckin acorn because he thought a (black) man who he patted down was somehow shooting at him while handcuffed.
Well he did announce loudly it was the police. They were in uniform and they knocked.
The problem was he did not announce the first time, the second time he said Sheriff, and then per his training he knocked again and then moved away from the peephole.
I get moving away from the door because if it was a criminal, they could just blast you though the door. The cops problem was ignoring the Airman's 2nd amendment rights. We are allowed to have weapons in our homes, and the airman's weapon was pointed at the ground. The airman had every reason to defend his castle. He probably looked through the peephole and saw nobody but heard the loud banging. He lives in an apartment, so I don't know if it is a good area or not, but if someone was banging on my door and hiding from the peephole, I would be armed answering the door as well. The Police officer should never be an officer again, before he kills someone from the public again over them exercising their 2nd amendment rights.
If that were my son or little brother, I can’t imagine how hard it would be to contain my inner Frank Castle, to track that cop down and…..

I’d be so afraid of my rage getting the better of me . I feel so awful for that dude’s family.

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