Law What’s the matter with Portland?

Looks like Schmidt is going to lose by a large margin. The fact that he's a misogynistic and a large number of women in the DA's office left under him sure didn't do him any favors. :)

Edit: it's official. He gone.

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will be in Tacoma a day Seattle too, followed by Vancouver Canada

at least the weather is nice.
Anyone that has ever had a relative or friend on hard drugs knows this to be true. They will suck the life and resources out of you. So what happens when you have thousands of homeless hard drug users in a city that just "let's them be"? When other cities crack down on the homeless and addicts, where do they go? To Liberal cities that allow it. Portland residents are the ones that suffer, but judging by who they vote for, they ask for it.
Yes everytime I see a fire I think to use gasoline to put out.