Was 2Pac a fraud?

Didn't the CIA get involved to push gangsta rap to ensure positive hip hop didn't get big? So they could ensure the degradation of black families and culture?

Like how they pushed crack into black urban areas?
That’s bullshit. Black people invented hiphop and the gangsta rap. It just so happened that gang members started rap. All that white folks trying to keep us down conspiracy is retarded
It's possible to be a gangster and still like the D at the same time. Those things aren't exactly mutually exclusive. If you are DL though you probably shouldn't let anyone know.

It's not a surprise Tupac might have had a soft/feminine side by being raised by a single mother. That doesn't seem egregious or anything.

Tupac had SEVERAL run ins with the law so it's hard to doubt anything about his "criminality". He was in and out of jail on multiple occasions.
Gay dudes can be gangsta


I thought Danny Boy said that…

To be fair, the East Coast dudes were not about that life. They actually made fun of the West Coast dudes who had the Jheri Curl and dressed the way they did(Oversized plaid shirts and baggy clothes).Two different styles and cultures. From my understanding Eazy E was pushing weight and did not even want to rap.
Eazy E also died from AIDS so that kinda makes you go hmmm
I grew up pretty weak and beta but now I'm gangsta as fuck and no one would dare fuck with me. Sometimes something comes along that hardens a guy the fuck up. For me it was joining Sherdog
Alright zer let’s go, you and me. I’m gonna wreck yo ass xx
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He's just a multi-faceted person. Not a fraud at all. He had many personas.
Was it justice? Not at all, it was selective prosecution.​
NEITHER of those 2 were charged, even after the girl testified those 2 raped her in a different room and she never saw Tupac with them at all.

It was justice by the textbook definition.

I don't actually know if it was just. I haven't looked at any of the actual case in 20 over years and I don't know the specifics beyond what you just wrote in here.

As you describe it, it sounds like they missed the mark.

That's kind of off subject here, In terms of the question "was a really a gangster or was he just a sweet sensitive artist playing a character"... We know that in a best case scenario he was hanging out with a couple rapists.
He was trying to create his own thing, not embrace a traditional gangster lifestyle but instead create a new one. He put himself in a leadership position through art to change the way “his community” (what he saw as his community) would behave. He was trying to advance the black panther movement into the modern era, and reform it to make it palatable for 90s youth.

Well, that’s the theory anyway. He wrote a “code of thug life” and clearly wanted it to appeal to people who saw themselves as hard and violent.

If you do a deep dive into the Reddit pac conspiracies or read more about it, people seem to think that Pac wanted to be a leader in the black community like Elijah Muhammad or Malcom X but the culture had shifted so as to make that impossible for anyone but a rapper or athlete; the era of the black revolutionary intellectual was over, at least in his mind, so he tried a different route. Sadly most of the major “black liberation” activists in the 20th century were murdered one way or another.

Now this is only a theory; but it is something that is floating out there you might find interesting. I’m not saying all this stuff is 100% true but it’s what some people think.
I can see that, but truthfully he didn't have the moral compass. For all the praise he got for certain songs, he also DID act like a misogynist on mnay others. He did take part in gang rapes. He did take part in mob beatings if weaker individuals including engineers in the studio and lesser artists. He was a tale of two cities for sure. I believe he was so attracted to the street thug lifestyle because of his shame of being Gay and feminine. There are stories he hung with cats even Biggie would stay away from.
He was a bigmouthed manlet who talked the talk and got killed.

But Michael Jai White is an attention whore who talks the talk but never backs up. I wish Mike Perry would have beat the shit out of this idiot.
I wouldn't say it was a "fraud" but lots of rappers play, or play-up a character to one degree or another. So do lot's of rock stars. Bucket Head isn't sitting on his couch watching TV wearing a KFC bucket and Gwar aren't actually horrible monsters.
True that.

But in Buckethead case I don't know what to believe. How the fuck does he release over 600 albums?
His Pike series is just ridiculous.
you think that video is gay you should watch Vin diesels one after GoTG
He has had rumors about him for years...another tough guy persona....But it does make you think...The theater and drama clubs are always filled with Gays. Why would the entertainment industry be that different?