Was 2Pac a fraud?

You think he could have been Gay based off the rumors and the video?
It's possible. But he did grow up in an artsy environment and a lot of men that grow up dancing and singing and acting can be straight and have feminine behavior. I really don't know but it wouldn't surprise me if he was gay.
I wouldn't say it was a "fraud" but lots of rappers play, or play-up a character to one degree or another. So do lot's of rock stars.

Tupac spent 9 months in jail for being part of a sexual assault.

Followed some of his trial, then understood that imho bogus "SA Guilty" verdict was one example of the "no justice, there's just us" quote.

Tupac was charged with sodomy. The girl TESTIFIED ON THE STAND she had "No Problem with Pac, EVERYTHING I DID with him was consensual" & he still did time.

I grew up pretty weak and beta but now I'm gangsta as fuck and no one would dare fuck with me. Sometimes something comes along that hardens a guy the fuck up. For me it was joining Sherdog.
Whatever it takes (added to what is already within us) to awaken our destined beast-ness.
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Always thought most rappers couldn't hold a slap like Tupac, he looked very feminine in that video. Bare 50 and some few others most of them look fake in terms of being gangsters.
I just went down that Hatian Jack rabbit hole. Hard to believe a street criminal like him that had an axe to grind. But he says 2Pac thanked him for helping him mold an image. He briefly dated Madonna who was into thugs and she dumped him when she found out who he truly was....then moved on to Jack according to him.
Well when the majority of the fans "fuckz wif dat" and drop the pants like in prison what do you expect?
I have seen interviews of late with people like Michael Jai White saying he was childhood friends with 2Pac and he said he was a soft feminine kid. He said he took on the gangsta persona after his role in Juice. Queen Latifah said she went to gay clubs with 2pac. Rumors of many rappers being gay have hit the news lately. Sug Knight is outing people but he may be doing it for attention. I know plenty of rappers pretend to be "from the streets" and gangsta to sell records, but if 2Pac faked it he was the God Tier faker. The dude still was a GOAT rapper, but was he a DL brother that played us all? I don't care if he was Gay, but the fact he went so hard into the tough street persona may have been one of the best acting jobs of his career....What do you guys think? Was he a Gay dude pretending to be street to sell records?

This video is crazy suspect. He seems gay as hell towards the end. I grew up in the hood and never met a dude act like this:

This is the MJW interview:

Fam I grew up a lil sus boy den di rap game change me ting happens fam iono how else to explain it 💯🚫🧢🧢
Yes he was actor and (imo) a cia agent.

Take a look into the rabbit hole and enjoy.

This is also relevant

crazy how ice cube will talk about it now seeing as the piece of shit benefitted from from it for 30 years.
Rap is grown dudes trading their self love poems. It's all gay as fuck, acting all butch and shit.

Have to respectfully disagree with you sir.
Still love you though lol
You may not understand what the word wannabe means

No, I understand what it means, but why are you trying to steer this into a petty back and forth, thats so unnecessary

Do you really not understand that a persons size and weight has zero to do with their gangster skills and abilities?