War Room Lounge v160: The Gender Gap in Snooker

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Sorry but that was my impression. I was surprised at how iconic and loved the movie is when I saw it but I suppose those tropes and cliches were more fresh back then and the really overt Orientalism was probably less problematic to people back then.
How was Karate Kid Orientalist? Miyagi was definitely borrowed from stereotypes, but I think there's some work to do to make a strong case. The mysterious little Asian martial arts master who can do almost-magical feats is sort of a thing, I guess? I think Pat Morita's incredibly gentle handling of the character redeemed it. And I feel like The Karate Kid 2 actually busted Orientalism by showing a more realistic Okinawa juxtaposed with the Orientalist theme, in conflict with it. The whole martial arts teacher-student fighter-shaping masculinity-shaping thing doesn't strike me as Orientalist because it's universal.

If you could make the case or link to somebody who has already done it, I'd like to read it.
You stay in touch with Josh?
Not much. I think he must have had his first rugrat by now though. He doesn't come around here and I don't go offshooting so I don't run into him much.
Apropos of nothing, I think it would be cool if @Gregolian changed his nic to Grego Lion.

That's all I got for tonight, I fear.
No, it's mainly irrelevant because, well, it just is. It's a weightless gesture. The Democrat nominee for President opposes it, and they know the bill will fail anyways. This is a move to get morons to go "See! Democrats are trying to legalize weed!", and nothing else. They don't care, so why do you?
Dude, you weren't there. You weren't in the reefer trenches like I was. Bits of shake literally falling from the sky.... entire joints trampled into nothing. Nothing. And everywhere you looked..... bodies bloated in the sun.
That kind of thing leaves a mark on a man.
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That the one place I’m still wondering if a spike will happen. Seems like it’s hit most major cities but IL has managed to avoid it thus far.

Yeah I can’t believe Chicago didn’t go nuclear like New York

Hope they didn’t merely delay the inevitable
I feel bad for anyone who didn't grow up watching these awesome 80's classics that people besmirch. "Oh, Mr. Miyagi was racist." "Bill and Ted were stupid" "Robocop didn't make sense" Oh shut up and sweep the damn leg already!
I feel bad for anyone who didn't grow up watching these awesome 80's classics that people besmirch. "Oh, Mr. Miyagi was racist." "Bill and Ted were stupid" "Robocop didn't make sense" Oh shut up and sweep the damn leg already!
Mr. Miyagi definitely had a superiority complex, but I think it had more to do with his incredible knowledge of martial arts and not necessarily because he was Chinese.
So we're watching Black Panther ( my son's call in honor of Chadwick Bosman) after agent Ross is shot and they take him back to Wakanda to save him the doctor said " oh look , another broken white boy to fix "

I mean , that's so racist , he should have told them to piss off
Mr. Miyagi definitely had a superiority complex, but I think it had more to do with his incredible knowledge of martial arts and not necessarily because he was Chinese.
Japanese, he was from Okinawa. Plus, the guy was a 60 year old decorated general in WW2 who caught flies with chopsticks. Ofcourse he had a superiority complex.
Mr. Miyagi definitely had a superiority complex, but I think it had more to do with his incredible knowledge of martial arts and not necessarily because he was Chinese.
Pat Morita was Chinese? #notsureifseriousgif
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