War Room Lounge V127: The night we'll all remember

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I don't know why, but youtube is recommending me cricket videos. Not of the insect, which might be interesting, but the sport, which are not interesting.

...and I still click on them.
You can smash dudes with the ball in cricket which is pretty brutal. Sounds like the best way to enjoy the sport is to get a case or two of alcohol and spend the day at a game getting wasted with friends. The games can last the whole day if not multiple.
That's because crossfit is actually a cult.

The extent of their cheesy branding definitely reminds me of a pyramid scheme. I haven't actually asked her how their franchising/licencing works.
You can smash dudes with the ball in cricket which is pretty brutal. Sounds like the best way to enjoy the sport is to get a case or two of alcohol and spend the day at a game getting wasted with friends. The games can last the whole day if not multiple.

It's the bowling that make me click on the first video. It was about a bowler named Murali who can spin the ball both ways. I like the science and art of baseball pitching, I find it so cool how they can control the flight of the ball. So I had to find out what this cricket bowling's all about. Really different technique.
that's what I started doing with deadlifts...

started a new 5/3/1 program with it. starting light, and progressing heavier and heavier.

I would be cool if I can knock out a set of 10 reps @ 315 comfortably.

but I see what Possum is saying...the risk seems to outweigh the reward. of all my sports/athletic related injuries, deadlifts fucked me up the most.
I've done 315 x 10 raw. I'm not doing that again.
At least I’ll have an excuse now for not having a 1:1 like ratio.
that's what I started doing with deadlifts...

started a new 5/3/1 program with it. starting light, and progressing heavier and heavier.

I would be cool if I can knock out a set of 10 reps @ 315 comfortably.

but I see what Possum is saying...the risk seems to outweigh the reward. of all my sports/athletic related injuries, deadlifts fucked me up the most.

The way I was always taught was that when you're doing them right, the bar should be damn near tearing the skin off your shins. You want to keep your core engaged until it passes your knees and then fire out with your hips which will straighten out your back. It's really your lower body that should be driving the lift. Your back shouldn't even be stressed until the final like fifth of the pull. The bar should just be going straight up and down. Never had any injuries, so I put a lot of stock in it.
I felt like the system had negatives for the WR but at least didn’t have an up/ down vote feature. That would’ve been pretty rough imo here.
The likes are nice and can say something about a poster or a post, but they're ultimately pretty meaningless. You can snipe easy likes with a gif in the Heavies and have it inflated, or if you tend to post levelheaded posts past page 3 it will look lower than it should be.
The way I was always taught was that when you're doing them right, the bar should be damn near tearing the skin off your shins. You want to keep your core engaged until it passes your knees and then fire out with your hips which will straighten out your back. It's really your lower body that should be driving the lift. Your back shouldn't even be stressed until the final like fifth of the pull. The bar should just be going straight up and down. Never had any injuries, so I put a lot of stock in it.

yup...this is why I don't wear shorts on deadlift day.

thanks for the tips.
The way I was always taught was that when you're doing them right, the bar should be damn near tearing the skin off your shins. You want to keep your core engaged until it passes your knees and then fire out with your hips which will straighten out your back. It's really your lower body that should be driving the lift. Your back shouldn't even be stressed until the final like fifth of the pull. The bar should just be going straight up and down. Never had any injuries, so I put a lot of stock in it.
Yeah. I've fucked up my shin tattoos from the amount I drag the bar over them.
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