Social War Room Lounge Thread v291: Not My Lasagna

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I should probably think about this more but I will just go on time spent and separate murders from missing persons. I should also say I think the idea of ranking cases feels a little gross and I want justice for all of these victims equally but I will rank them again based on time spent and how much I think/write/research them.

I had thought that was obvious, but I too cringe a bit when others use the line "What is you favorite unsolved murder?" so I understand. Some cases peak our interest more than others and getting wrapped up in the mystery around it can give a false impression of why you're following it so intently.

1. Zodiac. This will always be number 1. It's the mystery that started my obsession with true crime over a decade ago and absolutely the case I have spent the most time on.
2. Jonbenet Ramsey.
3. Russell and Shirley Dermond.
4. Doe 745UMWI -
5. Oakey "Al" Kite or West Memphis Three.
6. Doe 452UMNJ -

Unfortunately, I don't think we'll get a definitive answer for Zodiac. I hate it, but if genetic genealogy could solve it, it would have by now. Barring a confession, this one will die cold. I would so love to see it solved though. Wild how popular the Zodiac has remained, considering his confirmed body count (4) is on the low end for serial killers. The media fueled circus around him and the fear at the time is why he has such a legendary status. That, and not getting caught yet.

I read the Wiki on Koecher and it looks like a case that deserves a deep dive. I've never heard of it, despite him being connected to the Powell case, which I've read a lot on.
I think you meant Lindsey Buziak? That case is interesting to me because of the unnamed woman who was at the showing of the house. Asha I think she was running from something not to something. Brianna is such a creepy case given the photograph and I, you know, I just don't know. Maura I don't understand the fascination with. I think she died of exposure in the woods.

Yup, I screwed up the name. That's the one. It's just so damn solvable too. I personally lean towards the theory that the bf had a role in her killing, due to her ratting some other drug dealers out. The whole episode in the empty house she was showing when murdered is frightening. The abnormal dress seemed a good lead, but I feel they may have exhausted any lead that gave them by now.
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