Social Virginia school board votes to restore Confederate names

Virginia is among the aces at the forefront of of the effort to dismantle public education. And the quality of schools has been trash there for a long time. I moved there from Florida in the 90's, when Florida still had highly-rated public schools. It was a notable difference even to an 8th grader.
Florida is number one for scholls
Virginia is 10

Maybe you suck

I'm sure racism is out there I have seen it myself. I saw how bad it was growing up in a much different time and I know it's still out there.

However I'm pressed to believe this decision was based on racism totally.

More likely it was more vengeance for the last board not listening to or involving the parents in any of decisions.

I think it's dumb but I'm not living there.
The most racist of anyone are 100 percent Black people especially the women. Racism is pretty much dead but some queens want to manufacture it to make excuses for their own personal downfalls and inadequacies. I lived in a neighborhood where I was the "minority" for a while and dealt with "Wacism" but didn't give a fuck and sure as crap didn't use it as a crutch.......Because Assholes are everywhere and in the big picture Racism isn't even a factor in anyones day to day life. But as for Virginia good for them for trying to preserve history.
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Maybe your cousin is a fan of Chris Rock?

That was one of Rocks best specials and he spit so much truth with that bit and anyone that actually took offense to that bit are clearly what he talks about hating..
Maybe your cousin is a fan of Chris Rock?

I knew a guy who tried that distinction with me, saying he applied it to white scumbags as well. I didn't buy it. Rock's bit is funny because he's a comic who is good at his job, but I don't buy that any good comes from it.
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The public schools will most likely go down hill with the voucher not because of funding but because the parents that care about their children's education and do the best in school will look to move them from schools that now tell parents to sit down and shut up when they don't want boys and even men in the locker rooms with their daughters or on their sports.

They will move their kids from schools that are now putting being woke above all else. They see the fall of education and want to protect their children from that fall they see coming.

So when the public school system suffers because republicans pull funding, it won't really be about funding because the school were too woke? So don't blame the lack of funding for the lack of funding. Blame liberals.

If only the republicans who cried about education, were actually educated, we wouldn't be in this situation.
Don’t get why you’d name something after a cause and army that decisively lost and mainly fought for the continuation of the enslavement of people.
- Just put name of saints, music or pets at schools.
So when the public school system suffers because republicans pull funding, it won't really be about funding because the school were too woke? So don't blame the lack of funding for the lack of funding. Blame liberals.

If only the republicans who cried about education, were actually educated, we wouldn't be in this situation.

And why did people pull their kids and funds? Well because the school board and teachers told the parents fuck you "we will do whatever we want with your kids."

So yea you can blame the liberals that tell the parents to fuck off.
And why did people pull their kids and funds? Well because the school board and teachers told the parents fuck you "we will do whatever we want with your kids."

So yea you can blame the liberals that tell the parents to fuck off.

Republicans have for decades attempted to steer tax dollars towards their religious institutions in violation of the Constitution. School vouchers are a way to accomplish that. The idea that it's really about parents being ignored about trans people in their bathrooms, is plainly untrue.

Doesn't your religion preach against lying? Could you point me to the passage that excuses the ones you just told?
Republicans have for decades attempted to steer tax dollars towards their religious institutions in violation of the Constitution. School vouchers are a way to accomplish that. The idea that it's really about parents being ignored about trans people in their bathrooms, is plainly untrue.

Doesn't your religion preach against lying? Could you point me to the passage that excuses the ones you just told?

First I'm not realy religious.

Second it was nit a lie. What cost the democrats the governors office last election. You want to ignore what's going on. They never had the support to get vouchers until the liberals went off the rails recently.
What cost the democrats the governors office last election.

It wasn't trans people in high-school bathrooms.

Sorry, but I'm gonna side with the Constitution on this one. There needs to be a separation of church and state. You want to send your kids to a religious school so that they can learn about how all _______ people are beneath them, fine. But you don't get the rest of our tax dollars to fund that substandard education.
It wasn't trans people in high-school bathrooms.

Sorry, but I'm gonna side with the Constitution on this one. There needs to be a separation of church and state. You want to send your kids to a religious school so that they can learn about how all _______ people are beneath them, fine. But you don't get the rest of our tax dollars to fund that substandard education.

Actually I'm concerned about tax money going to religious organizations. I think the schools should have to meet certain criteria to be able to take the money.
I knew a guy who tried that distinction with me, saying he applied it to white scumbags as well. I didn't buy it.
Why? Most white people separate themselves from the dregs of their own race like anyone else. Ain't no white people getting too upset over the distinction of "white trash" or "Meth'd out Skinhead". We don't have a slur like "Uncle Tom", when fellow whites are pointing out shitty aspects of their own culture. It's just accepted that there are some shitty white people, doing shitty white people stuff.
Why? Most white people separate themselves from the dregs of their own race like anyone else. Ain't no white people getting too upset over the distinction of "white trash" or "Meth'd out Skinhead". We don't have a slur like "Uncle Tom", when fellow whites are pointing out shitty aspects of their own culture. It's just accepted that there are some shitty white people, doing shitty white people stuff.
So, just call them shitty people, like all the other individual shitty people no matter what their skin colour or ethnicity.

And poor people aren't necessarily trash no matter their skin colour either.

Meth'd out skinhead is pretty bloody specific so you're just reaching at that point.
So, just call them shitty people, like all the other individual shitty people no matter what their skin colour or ethnicity.

And poor people aren't necessarily trash no matter their skin colour either.

Meth'd out skinhead is pretty bloody specific so you're just reaching at that point.
But nobody just calls certain types of people "shitty people", for a reason. We got names for these folks, and if the black community has a name for certain folks that others nod their head and agree with, it shouldn't be anymore offensive than other names all cultures have for their dregs. There's a reason why that Chris Rock bit is legendary. It's because everybody, no matter their race, knows exactly what he's talking about. Same with when he follows up with a "white" stereotype of white trash rednecks fucking their sisters and eating mayonnaise sandwiches. Ain't no white people getting offended by that. We know it's true.
Respectfully this shit only flys because the black population of the Bible Belt doesn’t realize they have the numbers to defeat republicans that vote regularly and not when a pop star tells them too.

Soon as we realize we got the numbers….

Any fucking day now….

Still waiting….

When I lived in Virginia I experienced the most casual unapologetic racism of my life. Not surprised.

Very scientific.

When I lived in So-Cal and when I lived in Nyc I experienced the most casual unapologetic racism of my life.
The only confederate name which shouldn't be banned is Hood as his incompetence did more to win the Union the Civil War then any individual on the Union side. His stupidity deserves to be honored for eternity.
The only confederate name which shouldn't be banned is Hood as his incompetence did more to win the Union the Civil War then any individual on the Union side. His stupidity deserves to be honored for eternity.

The should all be removed. Why name things after terrorists who declared war on the country they currently live in.
The should all be removed. Why name things after terrorists who declared war on the country they currently live in.

Not to mention that many of the statues and school names that conservatives demand we preserve, are not relics of the civil war era or it's immediate aftermath. Rather, they are the result of policies enacted in response to the civil rights movement.

My hometown of New Orleans had a big statue of Robert E. Lee. Put up in the 50's. And Lee has zero connection to the city of New Orleans. And New Orleans itself served almost no purpose for the Confederacy because it surrendered really early in the war.

Yet Louisianan republicans couldn't understand why a majority black city that served as an integral part of the North Atlantic Slave Trade might object to a Confederate general with no connection to the city being celebrated.

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