Unpopular opinion: Incels are right

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Silver Belt
Feb 20, 2012
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If you look past the autistic vernacular, what these depraved virgins are advancing is the closest thing to how life works.

Growing up, we are taught that hard work matters, that's it's good to have a nice personality, when in fact what determines your failure or success in life, and what determines your quality of life ... is the quality of your genetics. If you're fuckable, you'll have your life handed to you on varying degrees of platters, ranging from wooden to golden. If you're not, you're relegated to the shit-tier. Of course other factors play into this, such as status and wealth, but in this day and age of Facebook and Tinder, the good looking are inheriting the earth.

Sure, it's not exactly rocket science that good looking people have it better in life. Circa 2018, however, it's spiraling out of control. Some guys I know belonging to previous generations, who have had healthy sexual lives, would be "incel" today. It used to be a man's world. Not now, not anymore.

It breaks my heart to see so many ugly males trying hard to succeed at their jobs (especially ones that involve PR), dating, and all aspects of life ... when all they really needed was a face with a different structure. Guys who think there's something inherently wrong with personality when it all began and all ended with their looks.

Even on Sherdog, there's the occasional "give me tips to get laid" threads, and the truthful answer to those questions is "just look good, bro".

TL,DR: Incels are on the bottom of society's shit-list within the lowest low of the shit-tier, yet their asinine ramblings basically portray the raw reality of the world we live in.
Please explain Mark Zukerberg.
Good looking people don't use online dating to meet chicks.
Women online are below their standards.

Your statement in the OP is a paradox.
You're probably right to be honest, but there are some ugly asf dudes who can pull just on personality alone. Sure, it's harder for them because they have to put in the extra work, but not having the stereotypical personality of an incel can do wonders.
There is a quality beyond looks that transcends the ability to get laid.....While it’s true it is based in genetics, looks are only a small part...as far as your choice of words....Incels......Meh.
90% of the population are average looking at best. These incels sound like broken, bitter children who spend their days blaming everything but themselves for their failures.
Waaah waah

Theyre just bitter pathetic losers who for some reason feel entitled to shit they dont want to work for. No wonder nobody wants to be with them.
Knowledge intelligence > looks vanity muscles
Incels are the bottom of the barrel, not because of their looks, but because of the way they view women.

I'm an ugly dude. 5 years ago, I was over 300 pounds with a receding hairline.

And I dated attractive women. Incels are shitty human beings. I didn't have money. I just had a personality. I was the funny guy at parties. I was smart enough to have conversations with women about anything. I was charismatic enough to come across as charming.

Incels, on the other hand, are bitter little ****** who have no social abilities whatsoever. They're probably all completely inept, and in the rare event that a woman even talks to them, they just come off as awkward dorks. They get bitter from rejection and then make the biggest mistake; They never ask themselves "how can I improve?". If you read anything incels have to say, it all boils down to "look how smart I am, why don't women want me instead of those FUCKING CHADS".

Incels don't have a point, and if you think they do, you're probably a piece of shit too.
90% of the population are average looking at best. These incels sound like broken, bitter children who spend their days blaming everything but themselves for their failures.
That math doesn't check out.
So do they just whine about it on their incel forums or whatever they have?
So do they just whine about it on their incel forums or whatever they have?
Probably. I imagine a group of angrier lonelier men than on sherdog...... I think I'll just stay here.
As an elder-statesman once told me: "Everyone can get laid; it all depends on your standards."
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