UFC Too political.

At the time, oligarchs were using high priced properties to launder money globally. (Including here in NZ). Because you could use llcs incorporated into multiple shell companies to buy property from outisde the country anonymously it was a fast, highly profitable way to launder money. Usually done through a high profile local. This is what trump and kids were up to with the Russians. Laundering money by using lax oversea purchase laws to buy property outright
and anonymously then refinancing to withdraw that cash now laundered through the property. They would then often resell the property to another launder scheme at a higher price (blatant wash trading). I cannot emphasis enough the effect of this combined with a concurrent emergence of air ab&b (and other factors like choking rhe supply of new houses by maniuplating building codes at the local lvl , the huge movement of asset management funds into residential property etc) absolutely screwed the supply of residential properties in markets across the world and how negatively this contributed to priciing houses beyond first time buyers. It also enriched boomers and has played a part in the generational divide of weath and the righteous rage of the young.

Because of wash trading (and multiple other factors) in Auckland one of my houses went from being worth 400 thousand to 4.8 million in 25 years. That's how rough property markets became because of people like trump.

That's who trump is, he sells his fame to anyone or anything.

Edit: holy f it's actually been 25 years since I brought that house. F I'm old.

If you're in England Rup. Look into the movement of asset management money into your residential housing market. Its getting to appallingly lvls in parts of England. It's a trend that really takes off after 2008, for a bunch of reasons I don't have time to try and fat finger type my way through.
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There used to be a lot more military-related stuff on broadcasts. Politics-wise it's always leaned heavily to the right. Not too much has changed other than higher profile people are attending these days.
Probably shouldn't read too much into it. Trump has been a fan of MMA for a very long time and him and Dana go way back. He shows up to see fighters he likes to watch. I was informed yesterday his kids are big Suga fans. Of course they are going to show an ex President being there.

Suga? Really? If you remove the U and G, you have SA. Which stands for Saudi Arabia, who they sold out our country to.

Basically means the UFC is a front for the Trumps to do the bidding of the kingdom of Saud.

Stop covering for the Trumps and nut hugging them
Everything they did said something about his politics. It said, he's ufc backed and is danas mate. Please young, demographic we have trouble reaching, vote for Trump. Especially you ypung Latinos! Historically you love a good facist leader!

Most politicians at sporting events get shown in thier box once, maybe twice. Trump was fu--king featured at this event as were his cronies. Gtfo of the sport I love.
Dana's a crony. With TR7MP in power he can make direct calls to the President for favors.
Goddamn it…..you got me. You had me going earlier, nice…

Sadly this post is were you flew a little to close to the sun.
Again. No actual content. Its amazing how much you try to end up saying nothing.

You're my new lolcow.
It was pretty embarrassing, but you kinda learn to accept that the UFC is gonna be like that sometimes. Fighters and fans skew right, the sport is just reflecting that. Dana must know Trump is a moron, but it's nice to be in his good books when he'll probably be President again, when the croney tap turns back on you wanna have your cup ready.
Dude, human beings are political animals. I am always shocked when people ask for things to not be political. It simply is not possible.

It used to be no problem. No problem at all. It is tragic how people in the social media age have come to believe the current dystopia is the normal and unavoidable state of affairs.
It was pretty embarrassing, but you kinda learn to accept that the UFC is gonna be like that sometimes. Fighters and fans skew right, the sport is just reflecting that. Dana must know Trump is a moron, but it's nice to be in his good books when he'll probably be President again, when the croney tap turns back on you wanna have your cup ready.

It's sad. When I was young in boxing, Kickboxing 30 years ago, most of the fighters were on the left. Much more class awareness at that time and the older fighters would get on you about making sure you didn't overly trust any promotor or manager. I'm wondering as those old fighters filter out of the sport and start teaching and engaging with young fighters if things will change.

I understand how the fundamental act of fighting maps on right wing idea about individual effort and meritocracy being rewarded, but that story is a fable for 99% of all fighters. It's the investors and owners who get rewarded, not fighters. Who often dont undetstand until the are retired, poor and broken down what actually was going on.
Additionally, fighters like Ali, Mandela, Jack Johnson, Suger Ray et. were huge heros to the left who pushed racial boundaries (I'm amazed jack Johnson wasn't murdered).
Aren't all of Trump's ventures failures? His only area of competence is self promotion as far as I can see. Not sure how it is in the US, but "real estate developer" and "dodgy cunt" are synonymous here.
Like all "successful" con men, Trump is good at finding potential marks, and has the charisma to charm them and sell them his lies. Many of the MAGA cult would probably empty their 401ks to donate to him should he ask it.
I think you should boycott the UFC
And everything is too political, when i look at the twitter of some hollywood actors to see what are they doing, all i'm seeing is how Trump bad is

Yeah, we’ve seen what the power of boycotting can do.
Just look at the NFL, Target, and Starbucks. The right boycotted all 3, and now they are broke.
The whole time last night the "show" kept sucking on Trump's balls and panning camera to him and his family.

THEN when they started talking about Celebrities and fighters they bring him up again and again and THEN they , IMO, disrespected the guy who will likely be the next Bantamweight Champ in Merab. They kept camera on him for like half a second before changing scene to a has been tool like Masvidal and a fake celebrity like Candace Owens of all ppl. Most ppl don't have any idea who she is. Maybe Trump is choosing her as VP choice or his daughter?

They also kept talking about these "you tube stars" and "Influencers" and showing them on screen. WTF!!!!

I suspect the bosses didn't want Merab in the scenes because they want to milk O'malley for all he is worth before Merab takes over.
I thought Merab was going to come into the ring after the fight since he was dressed up. They didn't even mention him really. And Anik kept bringing up Trump instead of possible future challengers.

Then they used the Undertakers entrance for Venom which i think was messed up too. Things like this is what makes ppl question the business end of fighting and how it can become "dirty" to where they think fight winners can be "set up".
How many times did Anik talk about Trump?

I think there's far more crying about Trump being at the event than there was mention of him. I don't know for sure and I could be wrong. But it seemed like a very, very small fraction of the entire six hour event

Also--- talking about the fact that he's there, or people going up to him and talking to him, isn't political. Being excited to see a former president isn't in and of itself pulling political matters into a context of entertainment. Trump has been a huge MMA fan for years. If he showed up in 2015 you probably wouldn't have cared. He probably DID show up to UFC events in 2015 and you didn't notice or care. If they had started going on about his policies, talking about whether he was going to win or whatever you might have a point. But that's not what happened. He showed up, and people applauded. Anik noted it. Probably said it was great to see him there?

And that's what bothers you. The fact that not everyone in the world shit on him in that particular moment

Looked at the stooges mashing the like button on your post and wasn't surprised, they're the kind of people who'd be bothered by that too
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Yeah because Hunter Biden didn't benefit from nepotism lmao
So now nepotism is ok? You're in the cult. Anything Orange Man Good does is ok, no matter how despicable, as long as someone else has done it before. And what a stupid comparison. Hunter was never part of the administration. Ivanka and Jared were given more responsibilities than the VP.
It's sad. When I was young in boxing, Kickboxing 30 years ago, most of the fighters were on the left. Much more class awareness at that time and the older fighters would get on you about making sure you didn't overly trust any promotor or manager. I'm wondering as those old fighters filter out of the sport and start teaching and engaging with young fighters if things will change.

I understand how the fundamental act of fighting maps on right wing idea about individual effort and meritocracy being rewarded, but that story is a fable for 99% of all fighters. It's the investors and owners who get rewarded, not fighters. Who often dont undetstand until the are retired, poor and broken down what actually was going on.
Additionally, fighters like Ali, Mandela, Jack Johnson, Suger Ray et. were huge heros to the left who pushed racial boundaries (I'm amazed jack Johnson wasn't murdered).
The UFC has made controlling their fighters into an art form. You have guys out there begging for bonuses because they can't get by in the #1 MMA promotion, and that's the way the promotion wants it. It's not often an MMA fighter really gets to the point they can just speak their mind.
So now nepotism is ok? You're in the cult. Anything Orange Man Good does is ok, no matter how despicable, as long as someone else has done it before. And what a stupid comparison. Hunter was never part of the administration. Ivanka and Jared were given more responsibilities than the VP.

Actually you're in a cult.