News UFC Anti-Trust Lawsuit Has Been Settled and Will NOT Go To Trial Paying Out $335 Million


Blue Belt
Dec 9, 2023
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Was getting buried by the media and nobody talked about it, but it seems like they got a deal for a Tax-Deductible $335 million to sweep it completely under the rug.

It was revealed Wednesday morning that on March 13, Ultimate Fighting Championship parent company TKO Group Holdings reached an agreement to settle separate class action lawsuits for an aggregate amount of $335 million. Read the Securities and Exchange Commission filing here: lawsuits will close out.
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I would have preferred trial as that would set a precedent for the future and perhaps change things completely

But that much money is nothing to sneeze at.

What fighters get it and how much?

I'm assuming the lawyers are gonna wind up with like half.
Honestly, they were talking about the settlement if they were to settle to be in the 700mill+ range.
They might've gotten shafted a bit on the value for all the time and resources they needed to actually get it to a trial.
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thats a huge win for UFC, they were talking about over a billion and then its multiplied and contract changes that can only keep fighters two years etc. So just having to pay 335 mill is a steal.
Matt Hughes if true!

In my eyes they are basically admitting to fault. Because if your not guilty then why settle?

Let's see what else comes of this. Cung Le is a badass.

Maybe TKO put pressure on the UFC to resolve this quickly. Sweep it under the rug like many have said. But still in my eyes makes them look guilty and we ain't gonna forget. Can be used against them.
Was getting buried by the media and nobody talked about it, but it seems like they got a deal for a Tax-Deductible $335 million to sweep it completely under the rug.

If thats the settlement there was no chance the UFC was losing. Given the UFC could have been dismembered by this suit if they were really pressed they would have went much higher.

I hate to say this but the UFC had a far better legal argument than media sources were giving them credit for.

And by legal argument I mean the UFC did do a lot of immoral things but they did them by the law

The plaintiffs were always gonna have an uphill battle in trial
In Canada you can only settle a class action with approval of the court, and the court has to be satisfied that the settlement is reasonable. The court also has to approve the fees claimed by the lawyers. I assume it's the same in the States.

I also assume both parties will be easily able to show that the settlement reached here is quite reasonable.
They were initially looking for anywhere from $894 million to $1.6 billion. Looks like TKO (UFC parent company) made a good deal. It isn't enough money, but it's something.

There were 1,200 fighters involved in the lawsuit, so that works out to about $280K per fighter. I would say the company got off light, to put it kindly.

To put things into perspective the TKO Group is looking to double the UFC's media rights fees, which are currently $300 million a year. If they sign a new deal, it'll likely be a 5 year, $2.4 to $3.0 billion dollar deal. This doesn't include the $105 million a year Bud Light is giving them, gate, UAE fees, tax breaks, site money and countless other deals.

The UFC just made $1.3 billion last year and $1.1 billion the year before.

This settlement is a drop in the bucket.

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