Crime Tyson Foods dumps 87BILLION gallons of toxic waste including cyanide, blood and feces into US rivers and lakes

tHe EpA hAs $12 BiLliOn!

In literally every single budget proposal Republicans want massive cuts to the EPA. And compared to the financial resources of the corporations they must regulate, $12b is a drop in the bucket, and now with their time-honored "shut down the Government over budget proposal" strategy, these cuts have continuously whittled away at the EPA's ability to do its job, Congress adds more responsibilities knowing it has a smaller staff, the SCOTUS determines they lack the ability to make or enforce regulations, all at the behest of "conservative" political ideology...put forth by people funded either directly by billionaires, or via Super PACs.

Then Project 2025 proposes an altogether dismantling of the Administrative State, which you can bet your @ss the EPA is a top target.
- The fact that they can be sponsored by private donors is absurd. So those guys do use their pull.
Uh no. I'm asking how much more money does the EPA need to prevent this Tyson incident and why the current budget is inadequate.
- Lets be realist. The EPA doesnt care. But this looks pretty similar to what or last dear president did to Ibama.
Clearly Blimf sought to weaken the EPA, but that isn't some sort of proof none of this would have happened if it wasn't for him. You really are an imbecile if you think otherwise.
I never said anyyy of that. You really struggle with reading comprehension.
And I'm well aware you don't want to acknowledge your boogie man hasn't even been in power for over 3 years. It throws wrench into your little teenage rage cry baby argument.
Biden has been atrocious on the environment with his record setting new oil drilling permits. But compared to Trump, he has been demonstrably better.

You must have the attention span of a goldfish. I criticize Biden ALL the time. Most democrats and 100% of leftists criticize him constantly.

Do you notice the difference between how our two sides operate? Your side, are zealous fanatical supporters of your guy. You will not criticize him. Your media does not criticize him. He enjoys high party approval ratings despite being an abysmally inept president, extremely corrupt, and guilty of many felony crimes.

Over on our side, our approval of Biden is much, much lower. Our most popular media guy Jon Stewart criticizes him ALL the time. And we are continually critical of Biden on an individual basis.

Take a look around. Do you notice the difference bud? It's almost like one side is a cult and the other isn't.
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I never said anyyy of that. You really struggle with reading comprehension.

Biden has been atrocious on the environment with his record setting new oil drilling permits. But compared to Trump, he has been demonstrably better than Trump.
- That is a pretty low level of measurement, thought!
- Lets be realist. The EPA doesnt care.

This is also by design:

And Clarence Thomas isnt the only blatantly corrupt SCOTUS Justice:

Thats been my point. All the conservative posters are calling for jail, closing them down, etc.

Unless you're a billionaire industrialist or one of the politicians that they own, there is zero reason for conservatives to support this kind of behavior. @White Whale is the one who started the thread, and he isn't a liberal. He also started another on this shithouse corporation a few months ago, IIRC. Granted, excessive regulations CAN be a hindrance and cost jobs. There's a balance that has to be struck between environmentalism and productivity. It's difficult to say the Clean Water Act hasn't been a massive boon to the former because as egregious as this is, things were actually far worse before it became law. It was a bad decision to gut it last year.
Thats been my point. All the conservative posters are calling for jail, closing them down, etc.
You have to be calling for jail for the Republican f****** politicians who support this kind of deregulation though. Otherwise it looks ignorant or hypocritical.

Or you can just admit that the GOP is f****** terrible in this area and defend why you'll still vote for them for other reasons which is fine.