Crime TX man murders BLM protestor. Abbot vows to pardon murderer ASAP

Queen B

Feb 14, 2014
Reaction score
- White uber driver murders black BLM protestor and shot him
- White uber driver plowed his car through the crowd
- White uber driver was found to look up online where protesters were
- Past social media posts says White uber driver threatened to kill protestors and glad protestors get shot
- Jury convicts White uber driver as guilty
- Abbot says he will pardon ASAP

Yep, in Texas, you can murder BLM protestors and get away with it
US army sergeant found guilty of murdering BLM protester in Austin
Texas governor moves to pardon Daniel Perry, who was convicted of shooting Garrett Foster during rally in 2020
However, Texas’s Republican extremist governor Greg Abbott said on Saturday on Twitter that he was already working on pardoning Perry from his conviction, which he called an attempted jury nullification of Texas’s self-defense law.

Heres his social media posts
In one message, Perry wrote: “No protesters go near me or my car” and “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters,” the Austin television news outlet KTBC reported.

Another message that Perry sent on 31 May 2020 said: “I might have to kill a few people on my way to work they are rioting outside my apartment complex.” A few days later, Perry commented on a Facebook post of a video titled “Protesters Looters Get Shot San Antonio Texas”, writing, “glad someone finally did something”.

During the trial, Austin police detective William Bursley testified about evidence found on Perry’s cell phone. Part of the evidence included online searches for “protest tonight”, “protesters in Seattle gets shot”, “riot shootouts” and “protests in Dallas live”.
- White uber driver murders black BLM protestor and shot him
- White uber driver plowed his car through the crowd
- White uber driver was found to look up online where protesters were
- Past social media posts says White uber driver threatened to kill protestors and glad protestors get shot
- Jury convicts White uber driver as guilty
- Abbot says he will pardon ASAP

Yep, in Texas, you can murder BLM protestors and get away with it

Heres his social media posts
Did you get any of it right! He never plowed into anyone. The leg part of master-blaster pointed a fucking ak at him.
Did you get any of it right! He never plowed into anyone. The leg part of master-blaster pointed a fucking ak at him.

Thanks. I knew there was more to the story and now remember this one. It was pistol vs AK and Mr. AK ANTIFA got himself dead. Mr. AK initiated the attack. Does that sound about right?
Thanks. I knew there was more to the story and now remember this one. It was pistol vs AK and Mr. AK ANTIFA got himself dead. Mr. AK initiated the attack. Does that sound about right?

"According to police, Perry stopped and honked at the protesters as they walked through the streets before driving his car into the crowd, the Texas Tribune reported."

From the op. You all have to read the articles.
So, this is the BLM protestor that got shot?

Sounds like he shot his AK first and the uber driver shot back.

The BLM protestor looks white to me btw.

The three shots you hear at the end is someone returning fire at Perry as he flees. I dont believe the guy with the AK ever fire a round.
The Feds need to bring Federal charges, just like they did against those White Supremacists in Georgia who killed Ahmaud and just like they did against Chauvin. The Governor can't override Federal charges.
I believe two things can be true at the same time.

Daniel Perry can be a piece of shit who intended harm on BLM protesters.

Not sure if i read the report correctly but Foster pointed a weapon at Perry. If someone points or threatens me with a weapon, especially from my car where I also always have a gun, I'm trusting that he truly means to threaten my life.