Try and sell the idea of a premimum sherdog membership

13 others

Black Belt
May 16, 2016
Reaction score
I wanna have a cool green name but I dont know if I actually want to do it. What kind of perks can I look forward to.

How much $ do I have to pay to ban someone?
Its kinda like the cult in eyes wide shut but also a circle jerk with people who have $10
Listen Mr.13 others, here's what I can do for you for just $10.

You know that boring white user name that appears with your post.. how would you like it to be, green
You will be eligible to sign up for a chance to win a free sherdog bumper sticker.
You get to eat lunch at at the cool kids table.
You don't get all the ads and you're allowed to post racist stuff. Overall a very luxurious sherdogging experience.
Will I be given more leeway to break the rules since I am a paying member?
You don't get all the ads and you're allowed to post racist stuff. Overall a very luxurious sherdogging experience.
With this new information I must reconsider my refusal of paying to post.
Will I be given more leeway to break the rules since I am a paying member?

its literally the only reason @Fawlty is here despite being banned 3x for being a racist

you can also make polls and you dont get those full page ads

the plat subforum is boring and dead tho

idk, im not poor so the $10 doesnt really matter
You instantly become 6'3 and can bench de 365 and train UFC.
Do you know how wet it makes Asian girls when you tell them you went platinum on sherdog? You drop a line like that on any girl and she'll be on your dick before you even have a chance to tell her you're a white supremacist.
Try around late June/early July. Plats is coming back. I got this.