Trump wants to invite UFC champs to the White House

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Would love to see 6 foot 3 trump towering over tiny lepreconor mcgregor
I'd rather keep politics out of sports, there's enough senseless drama in the UFC as is.
I think most UFC champs wouldn't accept to meet this piece of shit
would be funny to see Ngannou ask him about his shithole

It must be a shit hole. After all, he left and never returned.
Send Ngannou so he can fill the place with uppercuts.

Why? You want to give the Secret Service some target practice? It wouldn't even be a challenge for them, ventilating someone the size of cattle.
eat sh*t, tiki-torch burning murthafuka.

You should know that majority ppl who actually buy UFC ppvs aren't exactly Trump fans. You think guys like Conor will meet him? He'll lose half his sponsors the very next day. SJW Media would eat these guys for breakfast.
I would jump on an opportunity to meet the president, SJW’s be damned.

The whole extreme trump hate (where any and everything to do with trump is vilified) is ridiculous.

It’s ok to disagree but let’s be civil and enjoy life, the SJW saltiness is dangerous for their health
The dreaded race card is what got all those incel nerds to say "Jews will not replace us" "Blood and Soil", wave bro neo nazi flags and got that woman ran over by a car.
Anybody with principles wouldn’t.

Because according to Trumps base:

Stipe is a filthy immigrant unlike say Trumps granddaddy.

Cormier is a dirty black.

Woodley is a dirty black.

Ferguson is some weird stuff.

Conor is fine because he’s a racist red head from the same place as Trumps grandfather who ran a whorehouse when he immigrated. Also he likes strippers, filthy nouveau riche behavior and being a blowhard cunt.

Brazilians are filth that need a wall to protect against....

Funny how you left out "Super Predator"(Hillary quote), "Needy Latino"(John Podesta quote) & "Backward Catholics"(Jennifer Palmieri quote).
Funny how you left out "Super Predator"(Hillary quote), "Needy Latino"(John Podesta quote) & "Backward Catholics"(Jennifer Palmieri quote).

Yeah Trump haters tend to be very selective with their memories...
That shit makes me embarrassed to be an MMA fan. This forum is chock full of the weird, bitter manchildren that give the sport and its fans a bad rep. A bunch of barely literate juveniles cheering for a politician like he's a hometown sports hero, it's a weird and misguided.
Come live in Louisiana 70% of the population treat him like a cult leader. It's pretty scary.
Trump is a good president.
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