Elections Trump wants a billion dollars from oil for election. Promises them an easy time if elected .

Very ironic that the biggest fans of Trump support him because they claim he is not like other politicians, yet the most common excuse for his actions are "well everybody does it."
But other people definitely do not do this. We've never had a presidential candidate as corrupt as Trump. The way his supporters justify it is with cynicism.
So you're OK with this request if it's true?
Of course he is. He'll say "oh it's bad but everyone does it" or some bullshit excuse. These guys don't have any actual principles.

Don't get me wrong, I think Jack is a very bright guy, however how he fails to understand that money and lobbying play a big role in policy on both sides of the aisle is beyond me. I think he is educated more in the textbook way of how things are supposed to work rather than the reality.
I think the issue is that if you consider the possibility that you might be wrong, you have to look at evidence and examine your logic carefully, and then your theory falls apart. But since you are so convinced, you can only personally attack people who are making a good-faith effort to understand reality.
FDT the diaper Don crappy pants ! What a begging little beach.
Trump will reopen the keystone pipeline and "drill baby drill".

Stupid liberals complaining about Trump lowering the cost of fuel Smh. Complete morons.
But other people definitely do not do this. We've never had a presidential candidate as corrupt as Trump. The way his supporters justify it is with cynicism.
<BidenShutIt>Biden has been in some elected office , and switched stances many times, for 50 plus years. And Trump, he worked for free. But, but, but Trump's corrupt. Lol. You got behind a real winner in Biden
Trump will reopen the keystone pipeline and "drill baby drill".

Stupid liberals complaining about Trump lowering the cost of fuel Smh. Complete morons.
The complaint is that he appears to be offering policy for campaign support, which is not legal. Do you think it should be?

By contrast, note that they said they spent $400M lobbying Biden unsuccessfully.
While I do agree with Jack on a great number of things, we've definitely butted heads on some certain issues and the biggest contention I have with him is that he insists that money and corporate lobby have little to no impact on policy. I actually called the corporate lobby legal bribery, and he insisted that bribery and lobbying are two separate things - I argued that the only discernible difference being that the quid pro quo in lobbying is an implied agreement, rather than something done implicitly in secret, however the results and function are the same.

Don't get me wrong, I think Jack is a very bright guy, however how he fails to understand that money and lobbying play a big role in policy on both sides of the aisle is beyond me. I think he is educated more in the textbook way of how things are supposed to work rather than the reality.

For me, money in politics is the single biggest problem our system employs. I would contend that it was designed this way on purpose, to give the facade that the people have control through voting, but that would just make me a CTard. I refuse to believe that the curated choice we get for representatives and politicians is actually a valid choice - like telling someone that a choice between getting run over by a truck or taking a bullet to the head is a real choice. There has to be better, more intelligent choices out there than Trump v Biden again.
Lets be real, that's being incredibly generous. There's no way a functioning adult with a modicum of knowledge about politics can say with a straight face that money isn't an influence (same with the media). It's fucking absurd. I won't even argue it at this point. May as well tell me the earth is flat. I can't be nice about this. It's insane.
Lets be real, that's being incredibly generous. There's no way a functioning adult with a modicum of knowledge about politics can say with a straight face that money isn't an influence (same with the media). It's fucking absurd. I won't even argue it at this point. May as well tell me the earth is flat. I can't be nice about this. It's insane.
LOL you hit the nail on the head
Obviously not. I think it’s repugnant. I also think it’s silly to suggest this is any different than literally how all politicians operate. It’s just that Trump always does it in a rudimentary childish way to make it seem like he’s the only one.
"Everybody's doing it, now get out there and vote Trump!"

Nobody else tells porn stars they remind them of their daughter while trying to fuck said pornstar. He's literally the only one...now get out there and vote Trump!
"Everybody's doing it, now get out there and vote Trump!"

Nobody else tells porn stars they remind them of their daughter while trying to fuck said pornstar. He's literally the only one...now get out there and vote Trump!
This is the value of cynicism to hacks. They defend all real instances of corruption by just saying it's business as usual.

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