Elections Trump Indicted On 91 Counts

Good point. How did he father Barron if trump and melania sleep in different beds? How did she explain her pregnancy to him? Did she tell him she sat on one of his cum socks and now she’s preggers? Will the sock be attending its sons graduation?
Stormy said it was the worst 90 seconds of her life. Maybe the one and only time he fucked Melania was fathering Baron Von Shtzhispants.
Excuse me, that's the son of an Orange Turd you're talking about there. Have some respect.
Poor kid, he's never going to struggle paying the mortgage or getting the girls but can you imagine the crap he's been picked on about it school. His dad repeatedly screwing the Playboy model while he was in the womb and then straight after escaping the womb fucking a porn actress? At that point you start paying kids to leave you alone with the embarrassment that your dad hated you so much.
Yeah, that's not so much having a conscience as having self-preservation instinct.

Those people want to be employable in the best case scenario and stay out of jail in the most likely scenario.
Yeah, they don't want to join Trump's lawyers on the unemployment/subpoena line.
Oh, that reminds me, @cottagecheesefan can you please remind me how many lawyers who have worked for Trump ended up disbarred because of it? Please let me know if you need me to include pictures to aid your understanding.

I only add that last sentence because I've asked you this question before and received no reply so I'm concerned you just didn't understand it.

Edit: here's a visual that just might help you,
He’s 18, bud.

Limbaugh was a jerk off. LOL at your partisan blindness.

he's 18 years old and is putting himself open to the public scrutiny by putting feet into politics, so he's fair game now.

No, he was fair game since his last name is Trump. Just lol at you pretending to have morals.

Oh piss off with this faux outrage.

We remember you twats personally attacking underage victims of a school shooting. Arguing that if they dared speak to the press about gun violence after witnessing such an event, well they deserved any comments that came their way from going public.

But Barron, older than they were, can act as a delegate at the RNC and he's off limits?

You pearl-clutchers have no shame.

Again, with your vague bullshit. Be very specific with what you say, numbnuts. Don't change the argument and then run away like every other time you've been challenged in your life. Don't call people pearl clutches when you routinely display the most cowardly form of arguing most have ever seen on this forum.
Again, with your vague bullshit. Be very specific with what you say, numbnuts. Don't change the argument and then run away like every other time you've been challenged in your life. Don't call people pearl clutches when you routinely display the most cowardly form of arguing most have ever seen on this forum.

You're the one crying about Barron being insulted. Yet you same twats had no problems going after the Parkland survivors who were younger than Barron. Your justification for that was that since they dared talk to the media about their thoughts on gun violence after their school was shot up, was that they deserved any insult that came their way.

Yet Barron being older, and actual adult, and now a delegate for the RNC somehow keeps him off limits.

Is that specific enough for you? I can't really dumb it down any more without breaking out the crayons.
Limbaugh was a jerk off. LOL at your partisan blindness.

No, he was fair game since his last name is Trump. Just lol at you pretending to have morals.

Again, with your vague bullshit. Be very specific with what you say, numbnuts. Don't change the argument and then run away like every other time you've been challenged in your life. Don't call people pearl clutches when you routinely display the most cowardly form of arguing most have ever seen on this forum.

One was 12 years old, one is an adult who is 18.
There's a massive difference.
Plus, I think Barron's name has been withdrawn.... maybe they should have had a chat with him prior to putting his name forward.

Molestini Cheetolini's youngest son Barron 'declines' to be RNC delegate, his mother Melania says​

The Florida Republican Party announced on Wednesday that the 18-year-old would be among those selecting the mandarin molester as the party's presidential nominee.

Reacting to what would have marked his youngest child's political debut, the disgraced ex-president and adjudicated fraudster and rapist said he was "all for it".

But his gold digging mother now appears to have shot down the idea.

"While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments," a spokeswoman for the orange turd's wife said a statement, first reported by the Daily Mail.

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