Trump Claiming Iran Is A Terrorist Country


Starfleet Belt
Oct 27, 2004
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I see Trump holding a speech about how Iran is such a bad and dangerous
country. Also some bigshot from Saudi A said in his speech the same.

But I thought more terrorist come from SA then Iran ?
Even the 9/11 terrorists came from SA.
Do you agree ?

Also Iran is a sji ite country and SA a soeni country.
Soeni are more conservative meaning more dangerous.
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Saudi Arabia is every bit as much a terrorist state as any other. Their disagreements with Iran are theological.
Iran is a much more moderate and secular state than Saudi Arabia, and as such produces far less terrorists.

Also, Trump is a fucking moron. Always has been.
Trump insulted Obama for bowing to them, insulted Michelle for not wearing a headscarf, and has called them terrorists.

All in tweets.

Now look at him, like a southern belle performing a curtsy, while his two wives don't wear headscarves, calling them amazing.
its cos Iran and SA are enemies, of course he bends over and does what his masters tell him to do

Trump is the ultimate cuck
Lol at people minimizing Iranian terrorism because they can't handle democracy
what a shitshow this presidency has already become
USA has become super weak

China has a clear road ahead
Women in SA look like ninjas while women in Iran
have hair coming out their headscarf.
Iran was pretty bad in the 80s as far as terrorists go. Probably fewer ones now but what a shithole country. You can't even order a beer.
Saudi buys every american president. sadly for them they couldnt make Obama do their dirty job and take out Iran. Trump looks like someone they can manipulate and take out the shia threat
Trump is a bootlicker. He licks the boots of pedophile-worshippers.
He says this shit while standing on the soil of Saudi Arabia? He just broke my Irony-O-Meter.
what a shitshow this presidency has already become
The most disturbing part is that WR posters still support him, and now act like the Saudis are good people that never help terrorists.
In the words of Trump: "what you think our country is so innocent?"
Trump is a bootlicker. He licks the boots of pedophile-worshippers.
because thats the worst thing he has ever done?
his actions have already caused taxpayers millions of dollars
cost innocent lives with his continued warmongering
supporting the terrorist state with arms deals to isis sympathizers


Not sure if ignorant or just corrupt.
He isn't wrong. Iran is one of the major exporters of terror behind Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan.

Look being friendly with Saudi Arabia is a bad thing and we should dump them. However they are currently enemies and can help us defeat Iran.
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