travis browne getting ready for cain (pic)

Edmund sure is going to teach Travis how to beat Cain up right???
I ve never seen a well respected boxing trainer working with jeans on...
Good catch.

Lots of people mentioned the jeans after you noted them. Wonder how many got it because of you then pretended to notice on their own!

Anyway, I'm rooting for a classic Cain bloodbath.
Does training with Edmund involve any thing more than hitting pads? That's all I ever see him and rounda doing.
Travis is getting dry humped by Ronda and will get punished by Cain, (if he doesn't get hurt ... again)
Travis should change gym and coach ASP, don't believe that Edmond Tarverdyan can do much to improve him. Cain will finish him within 2 rounds.
I can't wait to see how bad Cain smashes this guy

Since the Bigfoot fight we all know Cain has no mercy and with how much more skilled and how motivated he is he might actually kill Travis
His stance looks unstable and those jeans look terrible :D
I dislike Travis even more than I do Cain. Cain by TKO in the 1st.

Best kind of match up though, no matter who wins someone you dislike loses.

The opposite of when a fight like Hunt vs JDS happens.
Looks like an audition tape from UFC 1 or something with that dude in jeans