Social Trans Parents Switch Gender Roles and have Trans Child

Omg people are doing things!!!

I feel threatened.

I was conceding some people do mentally ill things I should be wary of, especially when it involves ritualistically knocking on my door to tell me about it.
I was conceding some people do mentally ill things I should be wary of, especially when it involves ritualistically knocking on my door to tell me about it.


I don't like it when folks show up unannounced either, but let's be real here . . . . There's no equating folks knocking on your door to the junk in the OP.
How are people able to go this far? My doctor got upset over me wanting to check my testosterone levels and didn't let me do it. She'd be raging if I told her I want to cut off my balls.


Heh. Some doctors are just averse to doing something for you other than bill.

I think there's some good conversation here, especially re: some individuals using the transgender movement to further their emotional currency, because that seems to be what's happening here and I think that hurts people who are truly transgender or believe they are and suffer because of it. And the child aspect...Christ.

As a nurse I can't tell you how many absolute psych cases I have taken care of where the child is just confused and pumped full of chemicals, hormones, etc. and their parents walk in and you talk to them for 30 seconds and your judgmental side goes well, now I know why your child is in this suffering position. It's hard to shut off that judge button while working, but you just make sure it doesn't impact your care of people.

I don't know what it was like before because I started nursing right when social media took off a little over a decade ago, but, I can't help but think that the impact of social media influences and trends have a disproportionate impact on teenage psychiatric patients with gender/sexuality confusion. It seems like, to me, that a lot of homosexual teens are getting caught up in this "movement" and having additional exogenous treatments fuck with their brain chemistry at a vulnerable age. Sucks.

All that being said, that's why I think stories like this are a net negative for the community. It highlights the fringe fruitcakes. I don't know how much I charge media outlets with their coverage, though, because it exists and it is reality and it should be covered and condemned so that us normal folks know these people exist.
I support trans rights insofar as it leads to them taking fertility destroying hormones that decrease the prevalence of genes causing these distressed mental states in the next generation. And also cause I’m a weirdo…

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