Tosas strength & conditioning log.

December 7, 2011

Conventional Deadlift
60kg x 5, 2 sets
80kg x 3, 2 sets
100kg x 2, 2 sets
120kg x 2, 5 sets

Bench Press
60kg x 5, 2 sets
80kg x 5, 2 sets
97.5kg x 5, 2 sets (no liftoff)

Safety Bar Squat
27kg x 5, 2 sets
47kg x 4, 2 sets
67kg x 4
77kg x 4
87kg x 4, 4 sets (belt)

Wide Grip Neutral Chins
Bw x 15, 14, 12, 12, 11

Band Good Mornings
Med Blue x 20, 4 sets
Big Green x 10
The resistance from the green band felt more appropriate. I'll be using it instead next time.

Big Blue x 15, 4 sets

Fat Bar Curl
36kg x 9
46kg x 9,9,7,7
I might move these to monday.

-12. Bodyweight 86kg. 7.5 hours sleep.
December 7, 2011

~25 minutes cycling, low intensity. Followed by stretching.
December 9, 2011

High Bar Squat

Bar x bunch
60kg x 3, 2 sets
80kg x 2, 2 sets
100kg x 2, 2 sets
110kg x 2, 2 sets
120kg x 2, 5 sets
Felt harder than it should have.

Push Press
Bar x bunch
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
60kg x 2
70kg x 2
76kg x 2, 4 sets

Bw x 5, 2 sets
10kg x 2, 2 sets
15kg x 2, 6 sets

Band GMs
Big Green x 10, 5 sets
Done between sets of pull-ups

Bw x bunch
20kg x 5 each side, 4 sets
KBs in front position.

-10. 86kg. 7.5 hours sleep. Weights have been feeling a bit heavy lately. I've reworked my routine, and I may reduce my training maxes slightly. I don't want to deload, because I'll probably end up deloading between Xmas and New Years. Anyway, I'm not expecting any more big PRs this year.
December 10, 2011

Paused Manta Ray Squat

Bar x bunch, 2 sets
40kg x 3, 2 sets
60kg x 3, 2 sets
80kg x 2, 2 sets
90kg x 2, 5 sets (belt)

Narrow Grip Pause Bench
60kg x 5, 2 sets
80kg x 4, 2 sets
90kg x 3, 5 sets

Bw x 15, 12, 10, 10, 10
It's funny that despite it being easier to do more weight with chins, it's not easier to do more Bw reps.

Glute Ham Raise
Bw x 10
15kg chains x 7, 5 sets

Chest Supported Incline KB row
20kg x 10
32kg x 7, 5 sets

1. Bodyweight 86.5kg. 7.5 hours sleep. Easy day.
What's the point of the manta ray thing? I googled it out of curiosity but didn't really find out what it's for.
What's the point of the manta ray thing? I googled it out of curiosity but didn't really find out what it's for.

It's like a "high" high bar, and it doesn't sit right if I start GMing the squat, so it forces me to stay really upright. Since GMing is how my form breaks down when squats get hard, and I'm not so good at squat variations where I'm forced to stay upright, training those variations is probably the thing to do.
Since apparently logs with media are more interesting, here's pictures of my new cat. It's cute the first couple times a cat shows interest in a computer, but it rapidly becomes annoying.



December 10, 2011

~25 minutes cycling, medium intensity.
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Did you really take my sandbagging comment as being serious?

It's not so much your cat taking interest in your computer, it's more it wanting to be the center of your attention. Btw, have I ever mentioned I love cats?
Did you really take my sandbagging comment as being serious?

Yes, I really am Moriarty.

Ok, no.

It's not so much your cat taking interest in your computer, it's more it wanting to be the center of your attention. Btw, have I ever mentioned I love cats?

Yes, I believe you have.

She'll sit inches away form the screen and stare at it, and she'll follow the cursor and try and attack it. So I think there is some genuine interest in the computer. But aside from that, she's a really nice cat - she follows me around the house, and I finally have a cat that doesn't mind being picked up. I can even put her on my shoulder like a parrot.
December 12, 2011

High Bar Squat

Bar x bunch
50kg x 4, 3 sets
70kg x 4, 3 sets
90kg x 4
105kg x 4, 5 sets (Belt)

Push Press
Bar x bunch
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
60kg x 3
67.5kg x 3
72.5kg x 3, 5 sets

Conventional Deadlift (DOH)
70kg x 3, 2 sets
90kg x 3, 2 sets
102.5kg x 3
112.5kg x 3, 5 sets

Wide Neutral Grip Chins
Bw x 5, 2 sets
10kg x 5, 3 sets

Bw x bunch
32kg x 8 each side, 4 sets
KBs in fron position. sets of 16 lunges are tiring.

Band GMs
Big Green x 15, 5 sets

-6. Bodyweight 86kg. 8 hours sleep. Volume day.
December 12, 2011

~25 minutes cycling, high intensity. Followed by stretching.
I was told you put a pair of mittens and a hat on your Christmas List.

December 13, 2011

~22 minutes jump rope. Followed by stretching.

I was told you put a pair of mittens and a hat on your Christmas List.

Does that mean come December 25th I get to see her without the mittens and hat?
December 14, 2011

Front Squats
Bar x bunch, 2 sets
40kg x 3, 3 sets
60kg x 3, 2 sets
70kg x 4, 4 sets
Light day - resisted the temptation to go heavier than planned.

Bench Press
60kg x 5, 2 sets
80kg x 3, 2 sets
100kg x 1, 2 sets
110kg x 1, 2 sets
115kg x 1
120kg x F (stapled)
90kg x 3, 3 sets (paused)
Felt like a good day to test my max to see where I am for the upcoming Deadlift/Bench comp. I feel like 117.5kg might be a more reasonable starting max than 115kg though.

Bw x 16, 14, 12, 11, 10
Or something like that.

Good Mornings
Bar x bunch
50kg x 7
70kg x 7
90kg x 7, 5 sets

Big Blue x 16, 5 sets

-6. Bodyweight 86kg. 8 hours sleep.

I think during the bench/deadlift comp I'll focus on benching over push press. Not that I'm going to alter my training significantly for an online comp, but I've wondered for quite a while if I would benefit from focusing on bench or overheads instead of trying to balance both - and really the only thing to do is try it out for some months. I'm thinking of something roughly like this for pressing (Day 1) Narrow grip bench, volume, (Day 2) Push Press, 3-6 reps, 5 sets, (Day 3) Heavy Bench, (Day 4) DB bench - as much as I'd rather not, it's what was suggested to me after I got stapled by 120kg.

Also, I'm probably going to drop SSB squats so I can fit in more front squats.
December 14, 2011

~25 minutes cycling, low intensity.

Has anyone ever tried benching KBs instead of DBs? Because if it's not too awkward or stupid, it would be less of a hassle than DB bench.
December 15, 2011

~22 minutes jump rope, followed by stretching.

December 16, 2011

High Bar Squats
Bar x bunch
40kg x 3, 3 sets
60kg x 2, 2 sets
80kg x 2, 2 sets
100kg x 2
107.5kg x 2 (belt)
112.5kg x 2
115kg x 2
117.5kg x 2, 3 sets

Bench Press
60kg x 5, 2 sets
80kg x 3, 2 sets
100kg x 2
102.5kg x 2
105kg x 2
107.5kg x 2
105kg x 2, 2 sets

Deficit Deadlifts (3 mat deficit)
60kg x 5, 2 sets
80kg x 4
90kg x 4
95kg x 4
100kg x 4, 3 sets

Wide Grip Neutral Chins
Bw x 5, 2 sets
10kg x 4
12.5kg x 4
15kg x 4, 2 sets

Band GMs
Big Green x 20, 5 sets

Bw x bunch
40kg x 6, 3 sets each side
Kettlebells in front position. Makes a huge difference to alternate left and right each set than each rep. I think alternating left and right reps was really limiting myself.

-1. Bodyweight 85.5kg. 8 hours sleep. Good workout.

I haven't entirely decided what I'm going to do training wise in the new year. I've had a lot of success with including some form of autoregulation, so I want to keep that, while adding a bit more variation/structure regarding intensity and volume. I think that I'll continue to write things as a 10% range instead of a specific intensity/weight, but will start specifying a specific number of reps and sets. The first set would be at the bottom of the planned range, and depending on how well each set goes, I could increase the weight up to the top of the programmed range, or just keep the weight the same.
December 17, 2011

Manta Ray Squat

Bar x bunch
40kg x 4, 2 sets
60kg x 4, 2 sets
80kg x 4
82.5kg x 4
85kg x 4, 2 sets
Felt less tight today.

DB bench
60s x 10, 10, 9, 8
Messed around pressing KBs first. Didn't like that at all.

Bw x 16, 12, 10, 10, 10

Glute Ham Raise
Bw x bunch
20kg plate x 5
25kg plate x 5, 3 sets

AB rollout from knees
Bw x 7
10kg x 7, 3 sets
Stopped there as my abs had enough.

1. Bodyweight 86kg. 7 hours sleep. Too much high rep stuff in one day. Bleh.