Crime Thousand Oaks: At least 12 dead in mass shooting at California bar. Attacker also dead

I really think it's time the media, instead of turning shooters into celebrities, focuses more on shaming the shooters' families. Perhaps this could be some kind of deterrent to would-be suicidal shitbags or possibly even compel families -- out of their own self-interest at the very least -- to address issues with their defective members prior to shit hitting the fan
Sigh... we have some huge fucking mental health issues in America.

Instead of trying to address the root problems, people want to come for our guns.

I expect this event to have the same kind of misguided response from many on the left, unfortunately.

That said, RIP to those taken in this tragedy.
Smoke grenades and/or flash bangs? Jesus, this loon went in prepared.
We have to start asking ourselves what sort of society we have built where people are willing to end their lives just to end the lives of others. America needs to start taking a serious look at increasing access to mental health treatment and take a really hard look at what is making these typically young people do this.
that'll would cost a helluva lot of money, it doesn't effect me and I would in someway have to pay for it through higher healthcare costs, things are fine they way they are, thoughts and prayers to those involved. {<diva}
Instead of trying to address the root problems, people want to come for our guns.

I expect this event to have the same kind of misguided response from many on the left, unfortunately.

That said, RIP to those taken in this tragedy.
And the right will send lots of thoughts and prayers and if only there were a concealed carrier on site who had navy seal training to respond to the smokes and flash bangs that were probably legally purchased through some alt right prepper website, this would have been averted. Then they will vote down background checks and mental health evaluation before purchasing a gun but vote for a ten commandments statue on government property
I really think it's time the media, instead of turning shooters into celebrities, focuses more on shaming the shooters' families. Perhaps this could be some kind of deterrent to would-be suicidal shitbags or possibly even compel families -- out of their own self-interest at the very least -- to address issues with their defective members prior to shit hitting the fan

Interesting take, haven't heard that before. I'd think most of these shitheads hate their families, so it wouldn't stop them. Making family members inform on each other, ehh that doesn't seem like a very positive change.
We have to start asking ourselves what sort of society we have built where people are willing to end their lives just to end the lives of others. America needs to start taking a serious look at increasing access to mental health treatment and take a really hard look at what is making these typically young people do this.
That seems true, but crazy people don't usually think they're crazy and don't often seek help on their own. We have a problem of people being ostracized over silly differences of opinion and way too much resentment building over meaningless things.
I really think it's time the media, instead of turning shooters into celebrities, focuses more on shaming the shooters' families. Perhaps this could be some kind of deterrent to would-be suicidal shitbags or possibly even compel families -- out of their own self-interest at the very least -- to address issues with their defective members prior to shit hitting the fan

That sounds like a sure way to create more misery and potential more attacks.
If my brother would shoot up a place and the media blames me for that after.
Destroying my life in the process I might be looking for payback myself.
Instead of trying to address the root problems, people want to come for our guns.

I expect this event to have the same kind of misguided response from many on the left, unfortunately.

That said, RIP to those taken in this tragedy.

You guys have been saying this after every shooting for like 20 years now. Who came for your guns? This is a weekly occurrence at this point and nobody has taken them yet. Pretty sad that this is always the first thought after a shooting.
That sounds like a sure way to create more misery and potential more attacks.
If my brother would shoot up a place and the media blames me for that after.
Destroying my life in the process I might be looking for payback myself.
It seems like the majority of times this happens, it's pretty apparent (or should be) that the shooter is spiraling out of control. A nudge to families to seek preventative measures before it's too late can't hurt imo. Of course for it to be fair it would require the media to actually behave responsibly and refrain from going after families that legitimately didn't display "familial negligence", and, realistically speaking, that may indeed be too much to ask of the media

I dunno, I'm really just spitballing and thinking out loud here
You guys have been saying this after every shooting for like 20 years now. Who came for your guns? This is a weekly occurrence at this point and nobody has taken them yet. Pretty sad that this is always the first thought after a shooting.
hey only cucks don't have guns. {<hhh]
RIP to the victims and hope the injured recover.

What a piece of shit whoever is did this.
I really think it's time the media, instead of turning shooters into celebrities, focuses more on shaming the shooters' families. Perhaps this could be some kind of deterrent to would-be suicidal shitbags or possibly even compel families -- out of their own self-interest at the very least -- to address issues with their defective members prior to shit hitting the fan

So, shaming innocent people that in most cases have nothing to do with it and could in some cases lead to retaliatory attacks on these innocent people sounds like a good idea to you?

I'd guess that a lot of these nut jobs don't give 2 fooks about their families which is why they're OK with carrying out these attacks in the first place.

Seriously? WTF, bro?
So, shaming innocent people that in most cases have nothing to do with it and could in some cases lead to retaliatory attacks on these innocent people sounds like a good idea to you?

I'd guess that a lot of these nut jobs don't give 2 fooks about their families which is why they're OK with carrying out these attacks in the first place.

Seriously? WTF, bro?
That’s not what I’m suggesting
You guys have been saying this after every shooting for like 20 years now. Who came for your guns? This is a weekly occurrence at this point and nobody has taken them yet. Pretty sad that this is always the first thought after a shooting.

Only because there are people standing in their way. You must be living under a rock if you've managed to have missed the whole "ban assault rifle" nonsense.

And the right will send lots of thoughts and prayers and if only there were a concealed carrier on site who had navy seal training to respond to the smokes and flash bangs that were probably legally purchased through some alt right prepper website, this would have been averted. Then they will vote down background checks and mental health evaluation before purchasing a gun but vote for a ten commandments statue on government property

Perhaps many will, and they'd be equally as unhelpful with regards to targeting the root problems in favor of what would be, at best, a band aid fix (at worst, in the case of the left's ideas, a violation and stripping of our right to defend ourselves). Oh, and I assume since you haven't specifically disagreed, and instead opted for a round about "whataboutism" response, that you recognize the unfortunate truth in what I posted.
One armed person in that bar would have saved lives. RIP
Either Antifa attacking the rich or Muslim attacking the country. Or mentally ill white man.

Edit: Bar was attacked on college night. Definitely a Day of Retribution incel attack on the Stacey’s and Chads.


Did Infowars you that?
I really think it's time the media, instead of turning shooters into celebrities, focuses more on shaming the shooters' families. Perhaps this could be some kind of deterrent to would-be suicidal shitbags or possibly even compel families -- out of their own self-interest at the very least -- to address issues with their defective members prior to shit hitting the fan

Yup... they are all dying to post their click bait “What we know about....” articles.

I have no answers, there is obviously a mental health epidemic going on in our society. I’m very libertarian, but I’m at the point where I’d support some kind of firearms ban if I thought it would it would help.
Yet again we see Coulter's law in effect. In the synagogue shooting or Dylan Roof or that shooting in Texas, the identity of the suspect is out there in about 30 minutes. The media have sources in law enforcement who know this stuff right away when the suspect is killed or caught. And yet when the suspect is Middle Eastern or black, it takes hours and hours for the identity to be released. And no one else in the press acknowledges this little detail.