Movies Thoughts on 'Die Hard'

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Good but could have used more gratuitous boobs and beaver. We're talking corporate xmas party after all... and the word hard is in the movie title.
I recently watched it again, after not seeing it for a few years. A couple of things jumped out at me upon re-watching:

- It's really long
- Hans Gruber isn't on screen as much as I remembered him being.

I was watching it with my wife and pumping it up as a GOAT action movie, but she was pretty bored for a while. It's a good 30/45 mins until the terrorists show up. And Alan Rickman's performance must have loomed larger in my mind than it actually was in the movie, because as I mentioned he had surprisingly little screen time.

Wife was (mostly) unimpressed, but still a great movie to me.
Very solid action movie but NFW is this up there with Predator, T1, T2, etc. I gave it an 8.

One opinion that's always stuck with me was a British guy I worked with in construction when I was in HS. My dad ran a small construction services business and I worked with his crew on weekends. So I'm riding with this dude in the pick up truck and he had just seen it in theater (I hadn't seen it yet). He was like Die Hard is "everything that's wrong with America." (LMFAO). In particular he was offended by Family Matters dad guy (rightfully in his mind) eschewing gun violence but coming around in the end and blowing away bad guy and that being glorified in the movie. To me, that's just good old fashioned 'Murican 80's kickassery, but I can see his point. To many non-Americans (and even some Americans), stuff like that is going to seem gratuitous.
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I recently watched it again, after not seeing it for a few years. A couple of things jumped out at me upon re-watching:

- It's really long
- Hans Gruber isn't on screen as much as I remembered him being.

I was watching it with my wife and pumping it up as a GOAT action movie, but she was pretty bored for a while. It's a good 30/45 mins until the terrorists show up. And Alan Rickman's performance must have loomed larger in my mind than it actually was in the movie, because as I mentioned he had surprisingly little screen time.

Wife was (mostly) unimpressed, but still a great movie to me.

Sounds like it's time for divorce.