This explains why so many girls end upset when in a relationship with me

Another low life incel thread. Blaming the woman instead of looking inward. I’m not saying there aren’t fucking crazy women in the world but these types of posts enable these fucked up incel views.
Another low life incel thread. Blaming the woman instead of looking inward. I’m not saying there aren’t fucking crazy women in the world but these types of posts enable these fucked up incel views.

Nobody's assigning blame, simply analyzing a quirky phenomenon and joking around about it. It's like you just wanted to call people low life's and virtue signal without actually reading the article or the thread. Who's blaming women? And for what? Also how can someone look inward in response to physical, indisputable preferences?!

Low life incel opener
Don't blamez the womyns enlightenment - white knighting
Admits women are crazy - bro points
Gets all problematic and white knights again - SJW style
Closes with incels

My gawd, save some pussy for the rest of us
Na ...... I'm still going with TS' premature ejaculation issues.
Nobody's assigning blame, simply analyzing a quirky phenomenon and joking around about it. It's like you just wanted to call people low life's and virtue signal without actually reading the article or the thread. Who's blaming women? And for what? Also how can someone look inward in response to physical, indisputable preferences?!

Low life incel opener
Don't blamez the womyns enlightenment - white knighting
Admits women are crazy - bro points
Gets all problematic and white knights again - SJW style
Closes with incels

My gawd, save some pussy for the rest of us
Quit dating people who don’t take care of themselves.
If you looked that good, she'd see that people want to bang you. Then she'd fight to keep that prized man.
I've dated up and I've dated down when it comes to women

Being the better looking one sure beats the insecurity that goes with her being the hotter one, but then shit gets boring after a while and you end up longing for some hotter ass.
I think woman want to be beautiful and men want to be good providers.

So women don't like when their husband is more beautiful.

And men don't like when their wife makes more money.

But I could be wrong.
The title of this article will just encourage more guys to become orbiters. 80/20 dating will eventually become 90/10. There is some truth to what the article says but more poor, fat, ugly dudes with no game are going to start hitting on the 10s after this.
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