The Top 20 World's Longest Lifespan Animals (NEW!)


"That's fucking illegal"
Pink Belt
Sep 17, 2005
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Hey guys. Another one of my threads.

I don’t think this list is in any particular order due to the circumstances. Reason being these lists aren’t going to be in any specific order because I’m not doing these animals in subcategories like I did in my last thread; I’ll post them individually and tell you underneath which animals of that specie lives the longest. But I want to give you a good idea, how long animals can actually live in the wild. Being in captivity can obviously vary.

This list isn’t for the longest time an animal has ever lived, but rather for the life expectancy of that animal. For example, some horses have been recorded to live up to 50 years, but their actual life span averages at around 20 years.

As always, please feel free to make your own with your own research. As I always state, this list isn’t going to be perfect. This is the best I came up with, with my own research and as you know, I am very involved with animals. Please do not take these lists so seriously and just enjoy them for what they are, considering they are just meant to be a bit of fun. With what I’ve studied over the years, I always want to show everyone my own research. If you have any others that you think I’ve missed out, please share, thanks.

Spotted Hyenas average 25 years in the wild, Striped Hyenas average 10 - 12 years, Brown Hyenas average 12 - 25 years and the Aardwolf averages 10 years in the wild. Nearly all wolfs average around the same as well (25 years).

Dolphins average 15 - 25 years in the world. The Big Cats, Bears, Bison etc. all average 15 - 25 years in the wild and most Sharks at 20 – 30 years.

Now on to the main list.

Gorilla – average life expectancy: 35 years

Silverback Gorillas on average live 35 - 40 years.

Dogfish –average life expectancy: 35 years

Spiny dogfish have a life span of 30 – 100 years.

Chimpanzee – average life expectancy: 40 years

Chimps can live up to 55 years, but on average, 40 years.

Camel – average life expectancy: 40 years

Camels on average live to 40 years but can live longer.

Rockfish –average life expectancy: 40 years

Depends on the species, there’s about 17 different species of rockfish (Tiger rockfish, Yelloweye rockfish, China rockfish, Copper rockfish, Quillback rockfish etc.). Most are believed to average at 40 years but some have lived up to 200 years.
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Orangutan – average life expectancy: 45 years

45 years is average but they can live up to 55 years.

Hippopotamus – average life expectancy: 45 years

Common hippo has a lifespan of 45 years while their much smaller cousins, Pygmy hippo average lifespan is 42 years.

Carp – average life expectancy: 45 years

Koi carp on average live up to 55 years (some have been documented to live 200 years), grass carp, 45, king carp 45.

Alligator – average life expectancy: 45 years

American Alligator average lifespan at 45 years.

Parrot – average life expectancy: 50 years

The Macaw’s lifespan is 50 – 100 years while the African Gray parrot has a lifespan of 40 – 70, it all completely varies. But these to my knowledge are the only parrots that can live past 50 on average. Others could, but most parrots are small and have a lifespan of 15 – 30 years.
Turtle – average life expectancy: 50 years

Box turtle, Loggerhead, Hawksbill, Kemp’s Ridley turtles all live averagely up to 50 years. Snapping turtles around 45. Other turtle’s lifespan like the Leatherback has never been estimated.

Elephant – average life expectancy: 60 years

African elephants average at 55 - 60 years while the Asian elephant average at 60 – 70 years.

Tuatara - average life expectancy: 70 years

On average they live to 70 years old, but can live past 100 in the wild. In captivity however, they have lived longer than 200 years.

Humans – average life expectancy: 75 years

We on average live to 75 years but the life expectancy is always going up, with constant treatment, good homes, healthy diets etc. Some say for males, it’s 80 and for females it’s 85.

Whale Shark – average life expectancy: 80 years

It’s the only shark that can live from 70 – around 130 years.
Crocodile – average life expectancy: 80 years

Nile crocodiles can live up to 70 – 100 years while Saltwater crocs don’t actually live as long, which on average they live 50 – 55 years.

Whale – average life expectancy: 90 years

The Bowhead whale has an average lifespan of 100 – 200 years, so they are number one among whales. The Fin whale and Humpback whale have a lifespan of 50 – 100 years, while the Blue whale has a life span of 70 – 90 years. Sperm whale, 60 – 80 years, Beluga whale, 40 – 60 years, Gray whale, 50 – 70 years. And Minke whale, 30 – 50 years.

Tortoise – average life expectancy: 150 years

Giant tortoises lifespan average 120 – 200 years easily, some even getting to around 240 years old.

Clam – average life expectancy: 220 years

There are so many different species of clams, in fact, about 12,000, so all vary. Clams are among the longest living animals. Clams average at 220 years but can live up to 400 years.

Immortal Jellyfish – average life expectancy: Will Never Die From Age

These peculiar jellyfish have a bizarre ability to transform back to a polyp by certain cell types. Meaning, they will never die (unless they are dragged onto land or eaten). They have bypassed death with this ability they have developed. Amazing.

Myth: Some birds have been said to live on average from 120 – 200 years old, there hasn’t been any significant evidence to back up these claims. However, I’m not disputing it, but until I see real evidence, I’ll continue to disbelieve these claims.
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I remember hearing about Tortoise's long lives before. It's crazy how old they can get.
So there's a fuckin' turtle out there that could have watched the Boston Tea Party and the Obama administration in one lifetime....god damn amazing!
Another winner from TCE! I bet Zookeeper Gabe is probably getting jealous of all TCE's new found fame.

I knew about the immortal jellyfish, but I had no clue that clams lived that long.

I wonder how long Giant Squids live? Killer Whales too.
So there could be tortoise out there that wad chilling during the revolutionary war?

I wonder which side he took.

Probably the British side that redcoat loving prick.
I had never heard of the immortal jellyfish. Incredible.
theres a clam that saw the mayflower and the carnival cruise debacle!
Nice list! So sad to see people hunt tortoises, I bet these people don't realize how old some of them are. Tortoises are awesome.
Living forever like the jellyfish honestly sounds like a living nightmare.

Sure, I'd like a long life but definitely not forever.
How long could a tortoise live with proper medical care? Humans lived what, ~30 years on average in the wild back in the day? 400 year old tortoise!
Nice list! So sad to see people hunt tortoises, I bet these people don't realize how old some of them are. Tortoises are awesome.

they'll realise when they tuck into them and the meat is as tough as old boots

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