The future of US- Rusher relations

I grew up I'm NY, it's something my ears can't un-hear.
My ma had the same accent.
I grew up around the midwest. Mostly Kentucky and Nebraska, so it automatically comes off sounding strange. Probably mostly coming from Tramp.
Yes we won the Cold War by making the Soviet Union collapse. You should be happy for that.
Y do people still say this?
The u.s didnt ' make 'the soviet union collapse it collapsed on its own...communism doesnt work period
Y do people still say this?
The u.s didnt ' make 'the soviet union collapse it collapsed on its own...communism doesnt work period
Because we were there to see it and paid attention.
The USSR was in a bad position to have to spend to keep up, Reagan-- a REAL conservative-- who recognized the enemy, made the collapse happen faster than it would have otherwise.
Having Gorbachev running the Soviet show helped us and the Russian people recover a lot quicker than they would have

So now comparing Russia n Putin to nazi germany n hitler?


Are you seriously saying that Russia/Soviet Union wasn't a threat as comparable of Germany or Japan? You're talking about a country that nearly started a nuclear war.

Yup you let Germany n Japan back on their feet while having your military bases there...

Which is pretty fucking fair considering their actions.

Again USA was "friendly" with Russia when drunkard Yeltsin was in charge n their economy was ran by those oligarchs that had us connections.

The minute Putin stepped in n clean up the house, all of s sudden Russia went "rogue"

Also let's not forget us supporting radicals in Chechnya n working against Russian traditional allies in Serbs in the 90s.

It was pretty clear where USA stands

Boris Yeltsin was an idiot and did just as much harm in the direction of capitalism as previous Soviet Union leaders did with communism. The minute Putin started becoming autocratic and started trying to destabilize the rest of Europe for the benefit of Russia was when he went rogue.

The USA stands for a collaborative union between nations that benefit everyone and provide security for the world. Anyone who stands in the way of that is an enemy. Russia stands in the way of that. Russia is free to participate with the rest of Europe on trade and work with them, but he chooses not to. Without America, the Soviet Union would have rolled right over Europe after WW2.

Again, Russia is free to meet international requirements to participate in the EU and with NATO anytime they want.
Do you seriously need me to explain military history to you? Syria is the latest example of a proxy war that Russia jumped on board to counter American influence. Before that it was this little conflict called the Afghan Civil War in the 90s where we armed the Muj to fight Russian forces. Before that it was literally the Cold War.

I thought Obama was an idiot for saying that by the way. I didn't, and still don't, agree with giving them any flexibility.

Second, the uranium deal has nothing really do with giving uranium to Russia. You should learn about what it actually involves before you throw it out there. It was a South African/Canadian company that was eventually bought by Russian investors, secondly Hillary didn't have much say in the deal. She was one of nine cabinet members who had to approve it and only the President can veto it. Second, the uranium is not allowed to be exported, period. It's not going to Russia, never will go to Russia, and can't go to Russia. It has to remain in the hands of a US based subsidiary group.

I've never supported Russia or any pretend notion that they want to be our allies. They want as much power as they can get and will use whatever tactics they can to get it. They want the dissolution of the EU and NATO, and they want America to be weak.
Wrong. Syria has been a long time ally of Russia. We are encroaching them. And we are supposed to be fighting ISIS (the ones Obama helped fund and arm). Why is an Asadd-less Syria in our interests? It's in SA's and probably Israel's, interest, but how does it benefit us?

Iran? You mean that country that the previous administration (and HRC, untl it became political poison) made a horrendously one-sided deal with? Were you up in arms over that, as well?
How is Russia trying make us "weak", as if they even could?
I love what this country is supposed to stand for, but as far as I can tell, we are the ones pushing Russia further into a corner, not the other way around.

Yeah, but she still APPROVED it, right? I like how you try to minimize HRC's collusion, but will grasp at any straw, no matter how meager, to find anything to smear the president with.

You think Obama was an idiot, eh? Did you howl at the moon that he should be impeached? Or even investigated? I'd wager not.

Again, I'll ask: what proxy wars exactly have we been in against Russian since the end of the Cold War?

Face it, the Dems, along with a media that cannot be trusted in the slightest, have been gaslighting you all hard, and you seem to actually enjoy it.
Y do people still say this?
The u.s didnt ' make 'the soviet union collapse it collapsed on its own...communism doesnt work period

The Soviet Union collapsed because of policies set forth by Gorbachev as a direct result of the Cold War. It was absolutely a direct result of the Cold War.
The Soviet Union collapsed because of policies set forth by Gorbachev as a direct result of the Cold War. It was absolutely a direct result of the Cold War.
How can anyone study what happened and not conclude that the spending war was the final, biggest nail in Soviet coffin?

- It just happened on its own, *smh At the naievete *
Wrong. Syria has been a long time ally of Russia. We are encroaching them. And we are supposed to be fighting ISIS (the ones Obama helped fund and arm). Why is an Asadd-less Syria in our interests? It's in SA's and probably Israel's, interest, but how does it benefit us?

Syria is another example of us trying to allow democracy to flourish in the region. I don't agree with it, but it's most definitely a proxy war at this point, which is why Assad won't fall. I don't think it's in our best interests to try and spread revolution in the region at all.

Iran? You mean that country that the previous administration (and HRC, untl it became political poison) made a horrendously one-sided deal with? Were you up in arms over that, as well?
How is Russia trying make us "weak", as if they even could?
I love what this country is supposed to stand for, but as far as I can tell, we are the ones pushing Russia further into a corner, not the other way around.

How is Russia trying to make us weak? Here's a basic article describing their overall goals.

If they wanted to work with us, they could. Again we let Germany and Japan become prosperous nations after conflict. Why would we just pick on poor Russia for no reason?

Yeah, but she still APPROVED it, right? I like how you try to minimize HRC's collusion, but will grasp at any straw, no matter how meager, to find anything to smear the president with.

It's not really collusion as much as their job. Collusion implies a secret meeting, like Trump Jr and the Russian government. It isn't collusion when it's part of your regular job responsibilities.

That said, I'm not a fan of Hillary for several other reasons. You're barking up the wrong tree if you expect me to defend her on everything.

You think Obama was an idiot, eh? Did you howl at the moon that he should be impeached? Or even investigated? I'd wager not.

I disagree with several of his ideas, but I don't think anything he did was outside the expectations of office. I think what Trump has done is outside the expectations of office. I wasn't crying when Bush Jr was president and he's a Republican. If Trump was impeached, would a Democrat fill his shoes all of the sudden? No. So why are you playing this card. Lots of people want Trump out of office for his incompetence and lies. That doesn't change the party in power. It only changes the man.

Again, I'll ask: what proxy wars exactly have we been in against Russian since the end of the Cold War?

Face it, the Dems, along with a media that cannot be trusted in the slightest, have been gaslighting you all hard, and you seem to actually enjoy it.

Afghan Civil War. Angolan Civil War. Kosovo. Syria.

Not to mention the constant propaganda and web attacks against the US and all of our allies.
Are you seriously saying that Russia/Soviet Union wasn't a threat as comparable of Germany or Japan? You're talking about a country that nearly started a nuclear war.

Again Cold War was over since the 90s. What happen since then?

Also for the nuclear war part...

It takes 2 to tango.

Which is pretty fucking fair considering their actions.

So you just want all the nations to accept American dominance without objection? That's not gonna work long term

Boris Yeltsin was an idiot and did just as much harm in the direction of capitalism as previous Soviet Union leaders did with communism. The minute Putin started becoming autocratic and started trying to destabilize the rest of Europe for the benefit of Russia was when he went rogue.

When that happen? When USA secretly backed The coup in Ukraine?

WhAt about recognition of kosovo that set precedence to what happen in Crimea n redrawing of existing borders?

The USA stands for a collaborative union between nations that benefit everyone and provide security for the world. Anyone who stands in the way of that is an enemy. Russia stands in the way of that. Russia is free to participate with the rest of Europe on trade and work with them, but he chooses not to. Without America, the Soviet Union would have rolled right over Europe after WW2.

Again, Russia is free to meet international requirements to participate in the EU and with NATO anytime they want.

Bs. Us stands for their own interests n anybody that challenges that is an enemy.

N I like the "participate with NATO" part.

NATO was established as a anti Russia/soviet organization. NATO openly views Russia as an enemy n it's expension east is just a provocation
He would be infinitely preferable, because he wouldn't be bending over backwards to suck Putin's cock.

True. He'd close his eyes, get on his knees and be halfway through a speech about Russia's irrelevance before he'd realise that putin's cock was halfway down his throat.
Again Cold War was over since the 90s. What happen since then?

Also for the nuclear war part...

It takes 2 to tango.

Proxy wars and Russian attempts to destabilize the West.

So you just want all the nations to accept American dominance without objection? That's not gonna work long term

Who said that? If Russia worked with the EU, they would be accepted and would have economic security. Instead, they think their best interests lie with destabilizing the EU and America so they can grab up power. We don't even have dominance on Germany and Japan's decision making despite having bases there.

When that happen? When USA secretly backed The coup in Ukraine?

The USA backed a sovereign nation's ability to decide for themselves. There was only one nation sending ghost battalions into a foreign nation, and it wasn't the United States. You could even say that Ukraine lost because they didn't get support from the West.

WhAt about recognition of kosovo that set precedence to what happen in Crimea n redrawing of existing borders?

Russia decided to redraw another nation's borders while they were deciding on joining the EU. The only reason Russia did what they did is because Ukraine wasn't a part of the EU yet.

Bs. Us stands for their own interests n anybody that challenges that is an enemy.

N I like the "participate with NATO" part.

NATO was established as a anti Russia/soviet organization. NATO openly views Russia as an enemy n it's expension east is just a provocation

Our interests in global security sure. Our economic interests aren't necessarily aligned with the EU's at all. That's just part of fair trade though. You give a little and take a little.

NATO was established to fight the Soviet expansion in Europe. After the collapse, they tried to realign their goals to work with Russia. If you knew the first thing about it, you would already know this. Instead, you're relying on your highschool education a decade ago to voice your ignorance.
True. He'd close his eyes, get on his knees and be halfway through a speech about Russia's irrelevance before he'd realise that putin's cock was halfway down his throat.
He'd look mini-Vlad straight in his one eye and pucker up
Proxy wars and Russian attempts to destabilize the West.

Not true. USA was trying to destabilize Russia by supporting radicals in Chechnya.

Also Russia was very friendly with the us. They even gave access to their bases during their war of terror against Afghanistan.

Who said that? If Russia worked with the EU, they would be accepted and would have economic security. Instead, they think their best interests lie with destabilizing the EU and America so they can grab up power. We don't even have dominance on Germany and Japan's decision making despite having bases there.

Which would mean they have no autonomy over their economy... yeah why would they refuse that?

N I'm sure Germany/Japan can go against us interest, considering they barely have an army of their own.

The USA backed a sovereign nation's ability to decide for themselves. There was only one nation sending ghost battalions into a foreign nation, and it wasn't the United States. You could even say that Ukraine lost because they didn't get support from the West.

By supporting a coup n toppling of an elected government?

Gee What happen with only recognizing n working with elected governments?

I guess when you support the coup you can ignore that part.

Russia decided to redraw another nation's borders while they were deciding on joining the EU. The only reason Russia did what they did is because Ukraine wasn't a part of the EU yet.

Just like USA did in kosovo...

N what about right of self determination of ppl in Crimea?

I thought USA supported ppl rights to decide their future?

NATO was established to fight the Soviet expansion in Europe. After the collapse, they tried to realign their goals to work with Russia. If you knew the first thing about it, you would already know this. Instead, you're relying on your highschool education a decade ago to voice your ignorance.

Again not true.

Russians tried to join NATO n were denied.

After the Cold War there was no more need for NATO, yet they continue expanding east closer m closer to Russia border.

You don't even need a high school education to see why they would see it as provocation/threat