The English way of misspelling words

well, I think 'asphalt' is what they mean

Tarmac is the stuff on the pavemant, or on your driveway. The gypsys will come and tarmac your driveway for cheap.

This stuff isn't english even though they are :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:s...Scots, Irish, Welsh say it too and so do the Australians and New Zealanders in a lot of cases.

Americans are the weird ones :cool:
tarmac is a dumb one though
jus say pavement

also 'sleeping policeman' instead of speed bump is quaint but unnecessarily cute

they say 'aquaplane' instead of 'hydroplane' as well. wtf
2 differernt things, tarmac and pavement
And don't try to give me any of that English was developed before America crap.
I don't need any Continuity Hitlers trying to correct me with facts

We did what we always do: Take shit and make it better.

With America at the helm, the English language became streamlined and more efficient.
We did the same thing with teeth.

Well those Brits ain't got nothing to do with me

Tarmac is the stuff on the pavemant, or on your driveway. The gypsys will come and tarmac your driveway for cheap.

This stuff isn't english even though they are :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:s...Scots, Irish, Welsh say it too and so do the Australians and New Zealanders in a lot of cases.

Americans are the weird ones :cool:

pretty sure 'weirdness' abounds all over the bloody globe but 'tarmac' is then considered a coating of sorts then? over here we call that a 'slurry seal', a hot liquid tar that is spread on an already solid surface.
I heard Carleton Kirby say today on eurosports showing of the bike race the word "asphelt"?
is that correct? as opposed to 'asphalt'? never heard that before.

Mate, it's asphalt. Probably just the way your man pronounces it.
pretty sure 'weirdness' abounds all over the bloody globe but 'tarmac' is then considered a coating of sorts then? over here we call that a 'slurry seal', a hot liquid tar that is spread on an already solid surface.

True enough. Yeah I guess it's interchangeable with asphalt? People don't really use the term asphalt (here, or in England/UK) but it's not a different word lol, if they did say it they would just say asphalt. Unless asphalt is something different to what I think it is...?

Let's have an example, what would you say this road is?

that's some bleeding, freaking asphalt, m8

also, been meaning to go to Ireland for ages now.

they're not opposed to Yanks visiting are they?

don't want to get into a donnybrook, eh