The Dungeons and Dragons Megathread v2

Dungeons & Dragons Legos on the way, including a rumored minifigure series set.

Dungeons & Dragons Legos on the way, including a rumored minifigure series set.
I'm old enough to remember when themed Legos were "city," "castle," and "space." And that was it. When I started getting into D&D a few years ago, I was looking at Lego as a potential terrain. Expensive. Got a hand me down Harry Potter giant spider set from a coworker for my kid (who showed no interest because it wasn't Pokémon.) I was like, this is the only conceivable way to make this work; hunting down old Lego sets at garage sales.
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Here's my Rutland map.
I've been playing around with adding compass rosettes and some text. My layout and space planning needs work. But overall I am happy with my progress.


I was supposed to update you guys on the location of Bard lead misanthrope fight. There's a group of identical buildings in the area marked (G). Find the closest one to left of building (13). That's the open air pavilion where the bard is sitting.

13 is the local pub frequented by the rest of the roughnecks that call Rutland home. If you've ever wandered in to the wrong bar in a strange town, you know how this place feels. The name was taken from an actual place in Rutland, 'Two Sheas'. I don't think I can come up with a better name.

The proximity of the bar gives me the opportunity to change the dynamic of the fight whenever I feel like it. People can start to gather outside the bar to :
watch the spectacle or join in on either side.
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I started playing a Dungeon Crawl campaign yesterday. It was my first experience with the system and I liked it even though I lost 3 of my 4 characters in the first encounter. The rules are simple (the rulebook has 42 pages) and you get to buy a funky set of dice (D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D10, D12, D16, D20, D24, D30).

We began the session with 5 players and 20 level 0 characters. We have 11 characters left after 4 hours. This game is brutal.
I started playing a Dungeon Crawl campaign yesterday. It was my first experience with the system and I liked it even though I lost 3 of my 4 characters in the first encounter. The rules are simple (the rulebook has 42 pages) and you get to buy a funky set of dice (D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D10, D12, D16, D20, D24, D30).

We began the session with 5 players and 20 level 0 characters. We have 11 characters left after 4 hours. This game is brutal.
I think this is where 5e is lacking. Player characters are largely overpowered and the mechanics leave plenty of opportunities to escape death's grasp. You pretty much have to go out of your way to hack downed characters to kill them.

I've been listening to an old school D&D podcast, the kind where the fighter had a d8 and a thief had a 30% chance of moving silently. Death is definitely on the line.
I started playing a Dungeon Crawl campaign yesterday. It was my first experience with the system and I liked it even though I lost 3 of my 4 characters in the first encounter. The rules are simple (the rulebook has 42 pages) and you get to buy a funky set of dice (D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D10, D12, D16, D20, D24, D30).

We began the session with 5 players and 20 level 0 characters. We have 11 characters left after 4 hours. This game is brutal.

I think this is where 5e is lacking. Player characters are largely overpowered and the mechanics leave plenty of opportunities to escape death's grasp. You pretty much have to go out of your way to hack downed characters to kill them.

I've been listening to an old school D&D podcast, the kind where the fighter had a d8 and a thief had a 30% chance of moving silently. Death is definitely on the line.
I'm really leaning into OSR/grimdark/whatever style of play. Five Torches Deep and Zwiehander are influencing my next campaign (if players are down.) Dungeoncraft and Questing Beast on YouTube are good resources.
I'm really leaning into OSR/grimdark/whatever style of play. Five Torches Deep and Zwiehander are influencing my next campaign (if players are down.) Dungeoncraft and Questing Beast on YouTube are good resources.
I'm so out of touch with the new systems and versions. I hadn't roleplayed in 20 years. We generally stick with Rolemaster because it's what we played in College and everybody knows the system well.

AD&D was on its second edition last I played.
I think this is where 5e is lacking. Player characters are largely overpowered and the mechanics leave plenty of opportunities to escape death's grasp. You pretty much have to go out of your way to hack downed characters to kill them.

I've been listening to an old school D&D podcast, the kind where the fighter had a d8 and a thief had a 30% chance of moving silently. Death is definitely on the line.

AD&D the mage had a base 1d4 starting hp.

Even if your DM gave you max at lvl one you're starting with 4 + Con bonus hp...(who puts a big Con into a mage ?)

As DM the low level sessions were literally "kill the giant rat..." and you still risked TPK due to bad rolls.

Magic missle and charm person were fucking lethal. Never fudged so many rolls to keep it fun...

Nice big Monsterous Compendium with cool shit...

Goblins, rats, and the occasional orc....

And fucking THAC0 and negative AC...
Not gunna lie. That is pretty sweet.

Side note: anyone got any podcast to recommend? I just finished 'Tale of the Manticore' and anything else pales in comparison. I'd love to find something remotely as good.
Just recently started a new character ina new group, half of which are friends of mine. Actually never made a rogue character in 5e, so I rolled up a soul knife. Theyre basically a skill-monkey class with telepathic communication abilities. It's pretty goddamn fun having all these tools available.

If you dont know, the soul knife has "psychic" blades that it uses in place of weapons (think Psylocke from the X-men). The blades do normal damage like a dagger, plus your proficiency, but they also leave no mark.

So I made him up as a gypsy boxer ala Brad Pitt from Snatch and he goes around challenging people to "bare knuckle" boxing matches. Talked to the DM and just made the blades invisible.

Also, Stealth is super fun when you can psychically communicate with your party up to a mile away.
Sorry would have liked to have reflected upon this earlier.
My party's Halfling Rouge is a soul knife. At first I cringed since I am way too old to appreciate anything remotely anime. So we re- flavored it as psionic arrows she could fire from her short bow.

Your re- interpretation as fist blows from your Pikey are a wonderful idea. The d4 is the jab. The d6 is the hook. I can even see this working as a sneak attack working like 'double axe handles' to an opponent's dome.

Right. We want the players to have fun. But bet your arse, I will Tasha's hideous laughter and axe handle my players too.
To answer my own inquiry:
Just found 'legend of the bones'. I am several episodes in. Nearly as good or as good as 'Tale of the Manticore '.

So if you're wondering about solo rpg, this genre offers an interesting take on story telling. I think this is part of the reason many of us who are into rpgs play. We want to relive or create our own fantasy or Grimm novel. Solo rpg podcast offer an interesting method to story generation.

The first two seasons of 'tale of the manticore ' are the gold standard. 'Legend of the Bones' is up there.
I'm looking for some help in fleshing out a future encounter.
(Sometimes I wonder why I do this as I like have an adventure path that exceed the amount of game play that I will ever run. I think half of the joy is filling up an imaginary world)
Back on to the point. My Goblin horde is known as the 'Wu Tang clan'. The party will likely encounter them rather soon in one of their strongholds. I need to generate a witch doctor type character that has Shadows that operate under his charge. I'm not sure which mechanic to use to allow a caster to either, summon Shadows or raise dead.

Let me know your thoughts.
I'm looking for some help in fleshing out a future encounter.
(Sometimes I wonder why I do this as I like have an adventure path that exceed the amount of game play that I will ever run. I think half of the joy is filling up an imaginary world)
Back on to the point. My Goblin horde is known as the 'Wu Tang clan'. The party will likely encounter them rather soon in one of their strongholds. I need to generate a witch doctor type character that has Shadows that operate under his charge. I'm not sure which mechanic to use to allow a caster to either, summon Shadows or raise dead.

Let me know your thoughts.

So after fighting through the 36 chambers, they find the old dirty bastard and his ghost faced killers.....

(Are shadows stil considered Undead?)
Cleric of a Death diety

Fudge the spell list or if you feel guilty about that, add a magic item that allows for it, especially if the spell levels you want would make the NPC too powerful.

Oh and then have the item instantly decay somehow (sunlight, lack of Negative energy..ect) so your PCs can't use it after they win.

....your heros discover a liquid sword.
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@Thrawn33 , I'm pretty much going to bite the entirety of that.
I have to look at my map. I will do some creative numbering to get 36 labeled points.

Let's take this thread full circle... 'Liquid sword' works well as an interpretation of Soul Knife. and hence Goblin Grice is born.

it also begs for the Rzard to appear
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@Thrawn33 , I'm pretty much going to bite the entirety of that.
I have to look at my map. I will do some creative numbering to get 36 labeled points.

Let's take this thread full circle... 'Liquid sword' works well as an interpretation of Soul Knife. and hence Goblin Grice is born.

Might as well throw in a trap where the goblins drop a container full of...

Killer Bees!

Maybe some Goblin Shao Lin Monks.
5e bros:

Need suggestions for good source books for kids birthday.

He has the 3 core books and homebrews his own adventures/campaign setting, so more supplemental stuff.

Thought about d&d beyond, but he plays in person and 3d prints (yes he's spoiled) most of his minis.


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