The demise of men in society

I get offended when anyone over 40 comes on to me .

It's like a fat woman coming on to you . It's that disappointment that they think you are on the same level .

Hahaha... That may be true.

But as Bill Burr says, you better enjoy it while you can because girls at their most attractive in their early 20's. And it's all downhill from there.
I get offended when anyone over 40 comes on to me .

It's like a fat woman coming on to you . It's that disappointment that they think you are on the same level .

Also, I agree. I was completely joking. If I was still single, there's no way I'd be trying chase girls in their early to mid-20's. I can't stand small talk with young girls for the most part. The combination of immaturity and the inane stuff they worry about kills brain cells.

Just shut up and don't let your mouth ruin how cute you are...

Lol - Just joking again... Mostly
I typed average canadian guy into google and i found the perfect example of your average 40 year old guy that think he's too good for 40 year old women and still good enough for 20 year old girls .

Slightly chubby goatee beard sloppy looks every day of their 40 plus years . There are so many white guys that look like this in canada . If you look like this at 40 either hit gym spruce up or stick with 40 year old girls because you will look creepy creeping on 20 year olds .


Yeah, it's pretty much the same in the US.

What about this guy?

The 75 year old me wants to know :p
Disappointed I haven't seen a review of the autoblow on sherdog yet.

The AutoBlow 2 is a decent upgrade from the AutoBlow 1, but Autoblow DC832F is right around the corner, might as well wait and get that one when it comes out as it boasts to have better charge time, and it still uses the same propriety charging cable that the previous ones use.
Yeah, it's pretty much the same in the US.

What about this guy?

The 75 year old me wants to know :p
I guess he looks 70 and i would be totally disturbed if he came on to me . Though its commendable he stayed in shape . n.n im not trying to be mean but i think its ridiculous that there are guys like bigbangspiritbomb who think that some how a man automatically has more value while aging than a woman . Some men do but most men are just average middle age fat guys that look creepy trying to get with girls a decade or more younger . I remember one guy got all pissed off and told me that age is nothing but a number and i asked him why he doesn't approach girls his own age and he was all "most of them are busted and ugly" and i was just thinking "hey dude you are busted and ugly too" . Its like they will talk down at you for being critical of their age and looks while they are totally okay to be critical of girls their own age . Males need to stop thinking like they age like fine wine because george cloony or some guy was the exception . Because i've never seen a george clooney in real life but i see plenty of those aging average white guys like those guys pictured with the eagle . Double chins little guts and beard or goatee . Why would a 20something want that ?
Hahaha... That may be true.

But as Bill Burr says, you better enjoy it while you can because girls at their most attractive in their early 20's. And it's all downhill from there.
Korean girls can look prime until nearly 50 . And when i am 50 i will be with 50~60 man not chasing 30 year olds and thinking im ageless beauty like george clooney . I know it will be creepy and no one wants that and thats why i wont do it .
Oh no young fit successful rich are all outliers . What i meant was someone that very obviously looks 40 or more - how else can i tell he's old without talking to him ? Like a fat sloppy guy that is lucky to be a 6 / 10 to women his age creeping on 20 year olds . To be fair they might even be late 30s but they look old because they are fat and sloppy . I find usually they're chubby white guys with a goatee or beard and look like white trash or a creepy middle easterner . Maybe they think asian girls just love white guys so much that even fat and sloppy white men look good or something ? Fit and handsome 40 year olds are more than welcome . Don Draper is 45 . Who would say no to Don Draper ? n.n
Asian girls should stop selling themselves out to fat chubby 40 yo white guys if they dont want to get approached by fat chubby 40 yo white guys

Don can though. Unless he gets chubby and becomes a fat chubby 40 yo white guy
A generation of boys/men completely immersed in the feminist doctrine that is the Public School System in the US is far more or a problem than anything else.

Good! Thats exactly what our gender needs, judging by all the attitudes and comments a lot of guys make about females on this and other forums.
Feminism is about being equal to the other gender on the planet, thats all. Why wouldn't every person in the world want that?
Why do you want half the world's population to be treated as inferior?
Good! Thats exactly what our gender needs, judging by all the attitudes and comments a lot of guys make about females on this and other forums.
Feminism is about being equal to the other gender on the planet, thats all. Why wouldn't every person in the world want that?
Why do you want half the world's population to be treated as inferior?

Right. I already addressed this. Read through the rest of the thread. And why is it that people who don't live in the US always comment on what the US needs?
Korean girls can look prime until nearly 50 . And when i am 50 i will be with 50~60 man not chasing 30 year olds and thinking im ageless beauty like george clooney . I know it will be creepy and no one wants that and thats why i wont do it .

That's not true and its not a Korean thing. People, male or female, retain good looks if they have the bone structure, health, and money to maintain good skin, good hair, and overall good health. Don't kid yourself saying you feel ashamed when a 40 yo slob comes up to you. You'd feel ashamed if that slob was a 20 yo neckbeard too. No successful man would want to date any woman 50 years old unless she had something aside from her 'prime' looks which is the incorrect use of hyperbole because we all know it is a hyperbole saying that. A 50 yo woman can't even reproduce and if she were to miraculously conceive, she's at a high risk pregnancy. Unless she has something going for her on top of her looks she is in a buyers marketplace.
Maybe women are like that because men have demised themselves . n.n

I partially agree. Part of the problem is single mom's raising men to be cucks and betas. Decades of female logic.




It is what it is. Not a gf. No commit. The real question is who is next? New girls are turning 18 everyday. Do not want single mom's, women my age or past sexual market value. Decades of being a piñata and once the dating pool doesn't provide it's time to get serious or accidentally on purpose pregnancy.

Good women exist but in very short supply. Even those women rarely call out disgusting and gross female behavior.

The show must go on.
jesus christ these men are oppressed mra freaks are just as annoying and devoid of reality as radical feminists

two sides of the same coin

Not quite. Feminists call in bomb threats at mra or other school uni talks. Feminism is indoctrinated into every college campus. You have Clinton going on tangents about rape college boys whereas her hubby was accused 13x by different women. It's law.

Look at ghmeshi a by product of the left wing manginas thrown under the bus by female victimhood. Caught for purgery and colluding in a court of law. She then has a press conference out front of the court like she won a Nobel Peace prize.

This is woman in 2016. Yes, not all are women are like that (NAWALT). The problem is far too many are. The west reeks of victimhood the divorce stats initiated by women are gross as is the domestic abuse initiated by women.

Women don't police women. What value is marriage anymore? Feminism started as a good cause but 3rd wave feminism is a monster. Be on the end of a divorce or false abuse or harassment accusation. Life is over.
Haven't read the OP or a single post in this thread but I'll just drop off this little nugget off knowledge:

Testosterone levels have been dropping lower and lower.

idk why. Probably has to do with the declining health of America and obesity.

A documentary was on this. I think Netflix at one point. Showed issues of micro estrogen on water bottles and rubber ducks. You have feminism demonizing men. You have it indoctrination of it on campus. You have zero tolerance policies in America where an accusation can have you expelled. You have Clinton pushing men are rapey on campus when bill was accused 13x by women. You have generation after generation of men raised by single mom female logic.

You can see it on the forum in posts reeking of adverse to competition. Low testosterone is a plague and women in many respects are their own worst enemy.
That's not true and its not a Korean thing. People, male or female, retain good looks if they have the bone structure, health, and money to maintain good skin, good hair, and overall good health. Don't kid yourself saying you feel ashamed when a 40 yo slob comes up to you. You'd feel ashamed if that slob was a 20 yo neckbeard too. No successful man would want to date any woman 50 years old unless she had something aside from her 'prime' looks which is the incorrect use of hyperbole because we all know it is a hyperbole saying that. A 50 yo woman can't even reproduce and if she were to miraculously conceive, she's at a high risk pregnancy. Unless she has something going for her on top of her looks she is in a buyers marketplace.
Did you know that 50 year old man has significantly damaged and reduced sperm ? 50 year old men contribute to high risk pregnancies . No one wants to have a baby with a 50 year old man unless he's filthy rich in which case it's not him but his money .
I guess he looks 70 and i would be totally disturbed if he came on to me . Though its commendable he stayed in shape . n.n im not trying to be mean but i think its ridiculous that there are guys like bigbangspiritbomb who think that some how a man automatically has more value while aging than a woman . Some men do but most men are just average middle age fat guys that look creepy trying to get with girls a decade or more younger . I remember one guy got all pissed off and told me that age is nothing but a number and i asked him why he doesn't approach girls his own age and he was all "most of them are busted and ugly" and i was just thinking "hey dude you are busted and ugly too" . Its like they will talk down at you for being critical of their age and looks while they are totally okay to be critical of girls their own age . Males need to stop thinking like they age like fine wine because george cloony or some guy was the exception . Because i've never seen a george clooney in real life but i see plenty of those aging average white guys like those guys pictured with the eagle . Double chins little guts and beard or goatee . Why would a 20something want that ?

You are too caught up in the looks dept. Older men aren't more attractive than younger men because of their looks. It's pretty obvious that the advantage comes from money and life experience. Many broads want to depend on their partner. Not all, just most. :)
You are too caught up in the looks dept. Older men aren't more attractive than younger men because of their looks. It's pretty obvious that the advantage comes from money and life experience. Many broads want to depend on their partner. Not all, just most. :)
Guys our age wont make money ? Older average guys aren't rich either . They are usually divorced and supporting children a lot of bills . They are often more poor than young single men . Only the very rich like in the millions who pay child support and alimony and are still rich are the exception - like george clooney . Not some average fat white guy who at most makes 60 thousand divorced supporting 2 kids from previous marriage . That isn't wealthy . That is more poor than a young single professional . You have to be complete trailer trash or ugly to place your bet on an average old man rather than young good looking driven guy who will be rich and no dependants .
maybe its a good thing,maybe this is the only way to stop this world being overpopulated until we cant save it anymore and yes if there was a sexbot that was perfect,I believe real sex would decline a lot,there would be those who wouldnt date a real women and then there would be those who would be dating them less,its just how most people are,they would go to the easiest path I believe,porn is already impacting peoples sex lives,can you imagine how a realistic sexbot would impact?
Why'd bang ludwig let that bum push him around?