That’s it, I am DONE with Mountain Dew!

Can anyone explain what flavor Mountain Dew original is supposed to be? I've probably had 5 in the past 20 years then I bought a 12pack because there was a sale, and I have regretted it ever since.

I like their energy drinks and LiveWire though, but I still only have them about 1ce a year. Wayyy too much sugar.
The goal is a sweet citrus--lemon, lime, grapefruit. Like Sprite and Fesca with sugar. To me it is ok for a sip. After that you feel the heart palpatations and then the cavaties form.
I was done with Mountain Dew after one sip.
Guys, up to you how you live your life.....but as you get older this is the worst shit you can put in your body. 58 Carbs, 58 Grams of sugar in one sitting. That shit is a recipe for the diabeetus. Causes insane glucose spikes in the blood.
I like to think that it's God send for cyclists.
Guys, up to you how you live your life.....but as you get older this is the worst shit you can put in your body. 58 Carbs, 58 Grams of sugar in one sitting. That shit is a recipe for the diabeetus. Causes insane glucose spikes in the blood.
If you you have type 1 diabetes drink diet Mountain Dew and if you have type 2 diabetes then go fvck yourself
The Devils Dew
I got off that stuff after I turned 17
Probably saved my life
It gives me diarrhea every fucking time. I am OVER it!!

I don’t give a fuck what you guys say, Mountain Dew do can go suck a dick
well gee what was the first sign you should stop
I don’t think I’ve ever had Mountain Dew tbh. Is it just a citrus drink?
Doesn't taste that citrusy to me. It's like carbonated Kool aid that they infused with a shit load of caffeine to get you addicted.

Think of it like an early precursor to energy drinks like monster.
Dew os banned in most countries around the world
Was it from tap that may not have been cleaned in ages or from can or bottle? Was it left unattended while someone put the stuff you drink before colonoscopy in it?
It gives me diarrhea every fucking time. I am OVER it!!

I don’t give a fuck what you guys say, Mountain Dew do can go suck a dick
WTF dude... I drink like a gallon of Mountain Dew a day and it always puts a smile on my face, see:
Pop is poison but if one must drink it, try this trick I invented...

Get whichever flavor of LaCroix you enjoy or might think could mix well and mix a LaCroix with your can of soda. Maybe 1/2 and 1/2 or 3/4 soda and 1/4 LaCroix... That way you get more volume and less sugar and dyes with potential to make delicious combos... You're welcome...
In Canada there is no caffeine in Mountain Dew. This is due (dew?) to some rule on the books somewhere that “citrus drinks” cannot be caffeinated here. I didn’t realize until I was about 14 years old that Mountain Dew in the US was caffeinated, and quite heavily too. Suddenly all of those years of Mountain Dew advertisements featuring extreme sports and “Doing the Dew” all finally made sense.
Same thing in Australia.

I was over in the states and finished a workout at the hotel gym, was wrecked so thought I'd grab something with some sugar to pick me up and refill the glycogen supplies but it was in the evening so I didn't want to have any caffeine so I went with a bottle of Mountain Dew from the vending machine.

...fuckers, was awake most of the night.
Isn't that the shit that FUCKS up your face?

"Ozempic face"

I think it is.

Google at your own risk.
Also known as rapid weight loss face LOL

The drug itself doesn't cause the gaunt look, starving yourself does.
MD without caffeine?

Worse than Odouls.

1 can of coke zero = 34 mg caffeine
1 can of MD zero= 68 mg
1 12 oz/cup of coffee = 80 to 120 mg

I do drink Coke zero or diet Mountain Dew daily.
Consume way too much caffeine... is normal.
Can of Mountain Dew? WTF? I though it only came in 30 gallon gas station cups.