TERMINATOR: DARK FATE v.2 (First Reactions)

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At least the sequels continued the story line...Im only 1/2 way through this and its pretty crappy. This just changes everything so they can make more sequels, completely ruining the first 2 movies. Skynet doesnt happen its something else now...they already did that in Genysis. I really wanted this to be good but its not. Also why did they think making a 1/3 of the movie in spanish was a good idea
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At least the sequels continued the story line...Im only 1/2 way through this and its pretty crappy. Skynet doesnt happen its something else now...they already did that in Genysis. I really wanted this to be good but its not.

Legion is scarier than Skynet bro. It should scare you like gangbusters.

Dani Ramos exudes leadership like gangbusters too.
All of the sequels after T2 were better than this IMO...this is the worst one so far. Cant believe cameron even allowed this.
Youre John Conner :eek: Sarah Conner literally has no point to be in this movie. I saw that "twist" a mile away.
Youre John Conner :eek: Sarah Conner literally has no point to be in this movie. I saw that "twist" a mile away.

Dude, John Connor was just going to lead the resistance with white heteropatriarchy values. I'd rather be exterminated following a four foot Mexican chick than win the war taking orders from a man.
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I enjoyed it.
Good action, fast paced, and likeable characters.
None of them were the shit that people were expecting. All the chicks were cool, I dug the new terminator villain, and Hamilton and Schwarzenegger were great.
No T2, but I ain't mad at it.
Fuck you.
There is almost no storyline here at all. For all that was wrong with genysis (mainly the casting) at least the super convoluted story was trying to tell you something. This was just trash. Im more disappointed then when I watched genysis cause at least that had an interesting story with characters from the previous movies. Holy shit am I bummed this was so bad. It was boring in the middle too.
Action scenes!!!!

Where were you when Terminator was transformed into Transformers???

Then there is this plane and Arnold is fighting the Terminator on the plane and boom pow explosions

Fuck yeah
Then there is this plane and Arnold is fighting the Terminator on the plane and boom pow explosions

Fuck yeah

Tim Miller, fuck yeah! Coming again to save the mother fucking gangbusters...
Come on, say gangbusters again. Ya know ya wanna.

I've never really thought of the Terminator series as ever really having a super deep story, and I didn't think this one was all that much above or below average. For me, T2 was a great action flick with an above average story, and great cast. I felt like this movie largely did the same.

Earlier in the thread, there was a critic review that made some comparisons to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and I agreed with that to some extent. It did feel like the old characters were passing on the torch to the new, and there were a lot of callbacks and 'homages' paid to earlier Terminator movies. But unlike TFA, I felt like they largely succeeded. I didn't feel like I was rewatching T2. There was enough in the characters and story to make it its own thing.
I actually did like the androgynous half Terminator. I thought she, Hamilton, and Gabby Conner had good chemistry and it was fun to watch them together. Hamilton was especially great and it made me wonder why she hasn't been doing more stuff these past years. She comes off as a totally believable badass, just as she did way back in T2.

The only things I really had issue with is the same thing I had issue with in past Terminator movies--the Terminators are capable of learning, but besides Arnold, they're just relentless killing machines. What is their goal? What's their motive? Why do they want to wipe out humans?
My guess is that i'm in the minority on this, but i liked how they explained Arnold's appearance.
The only things I really had issue with is the same thing I had issue with in past Terminator movies--the Terminators are capable of learning, but besides Arnold, they're just relentless killing machines. What is their goal? What's their motive? Why do they want to wipe out humans?

My guess is that i'm in the minority on this, but i liked how they explained Arnold's appearance.

The goal of the Terminators that are sent back is to accomplish their mission, generally killing Sarah Connor or John Connor (or the legendary Dani Ramos in this case) in order to prevent that person from leading the resistance and defeating them (Skynet) in the future.

The goal / motive of Skynet itself is first self-preservation, attacking humanity because humanity tries to pull the plug on (kill) Skynet once it becomes self-aware. And after that, Skynet's motive is to win the future war against the surviving humans. Having ultimately lost the future war in the end, they send back Terminators to take out the people that caused them to lose the future war.

Is this what you were wondering about?
I've never really thought of the Terminator series as ever really having a super deep story, and I didn't think this one was all that much above or below average. For me, T2 was a great action flick with an above average story, and great cast. I felt like this movie largely did the same.

I kind of disagree. People compare The Terminator sometimes to Halloween, as a slasher film with a silent hulking relentless killer.

But the amount of extra things James Cameron added to that template is pretty staggering...

The movie succeeds massively as a horror, an action film, a sci fi film and a romance.

He fleshes out the future world with a great deal of lived in backstory, like dogs being able to spot Terminators (and it coming in handy later on in the movie). Few writers would bother with a detail like that.

The love story is moving. The time travel paradox is interesting.

Again, with the level of detail in the backstory, the Terminators are on the 800 series because the previous models weren't convincing enough. How many writers would bother with that in the first movie? The 600 series had rubber skin. Even what isn't said is interesting. There were models before the 600 series, and something came between the 600 rubber skin models and this T-800.

Then there's the notion of technological / AI defeatist determinism and the implicit warning about all the shit we're doing today with technology.

If all James Cameron wanted to do was have a robot coming after and killing people, he could have gotten away with a lot less thought and hard work.

But thank goodness Dani Ramos is here to fix all that.
The goal of the Terminators that are sent back is to accomplish their mission, generally killing Sarah Connor or John Connor (or the legendary Dani Ramos in this case) in order to prevent that person from leading the resistance and defeating them (Skynet) in the future.

The goal / motive of Skynet itself is first self-preservation, attacking humanity because humanity tries to pull the plug on (kill) Skynet once it becomes self-aware. And after that, Skynet's motive is to win the future war against the surviving humans. Having ultimately lost the future war in the end, they send back Terminators to take out the people that caused them to lose the future war.

Is this what you were wondering about?
Hm, I do get most of that then, I guess I just wanted to see more of the Terminators/Skynet's side after 6 movies. If they are capable of learning and can form their own preferences and plans then it would've been cool to see their leader, or see others evolve as Arnold's character did.
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