Media Teammates share legends training with the monster known as Khabib

There are fighters that you can mention just one name and people know worldwide... Ali. Tyson. Leonard. Now add Khabib…
Lost me at religion bro but an enemy of an enemy is a friend.

I'm not too into fighters spouting religiosity either TBH, but the triggering that Khabib caused among Colon's fans with his constant Allhamdulilah-ing makes me giggle.
omg let the guys balls heal a little.

fuckers been hanging on them for months now.

I been watching mma for a long long time.

I have yet to see what is so special about kaboob.

omg he beat a bunch of scrubs and is undefeated.

so is ben Askren. so what??

Maybe you still just don`t understand which intangibles a fighter needs to be a great fighter(goat level). Also he has a lot of great wins and ppl were ducking him coming up the ranks.

ability to dictate where the fight takes place

Iron chin

confidence/mental strength (which is the most important, it was why Fedor was great during his run). pretty sure if you asked Khabib he would say and believe he would have no problem making smash on Cormier.

great cardio

I can keep going but you get the point hopefully.
Feeks like i walked into the middle of someone elses convo...
Maybe... I forgot how it started. But when ppl offend me on SD I GO HARD!

But it's absolutely never personal man. I don't mean any ill will to any soul who hasn't hurt my family without remorse. And I don't think you qualify. So we're cool.
Not just saying this, this guy and his compadres are dangerous motherfuckers.

The idea that Conor and his Crumlin lads really thought they could go to war with these fellas in a "street" fight, is just ridiculous. The guy is threatening people's safety, their families etc. meanwhile these guys are barbarians from the mountains. One of these idiots are the type to just cut your guts out because you spoke ill of Allah. They are not to be messed with, real talk.

I’m sorry but you’re also falling for a storyline.
Another day another circle jerk thread for Khabib.

Bet your boy doesn't make weight even 1 more time then just retires.
Another day another circle jerk thread for Khabib.

Bet your boy doesn't make weight even 1 more time then just retires.
Judging by your post history, you were all up in the circle jerks about Conor before your boy got smesh.

Why so much bitter now?
Judging by your post history, you were all up in the circle jerks about Conor before your boy got smesh.

Why so much bitter now?

Not bitter just stating facts. Khawrestle will cut the weight maybe 1 more time...have a seizure or go to hospital...then duck 170 and retire.

No balls to move up like Conor did. Like Max probably will.
Meh, over 40 guys from Conor's entourage were denied entry into the country because of there criminal past for the fight...
I never knew selling some drugs could mean that you are as tough as another man.
I think the Khabib fans misunderstand. By worshipping a man who belies whole-heartedly in an imaginary flying man that rapes children and getting angry at any criticism of him, you don't have the respect of any real, rational logical thinking men. It's below pity really, more like i see those who worship the already deluded as completely hopeless and confused.
I think the Khabib fans misunderstand. By worshipping a man who belies whole-heartedly in an imaginary flying man that rapes children and getting angry at any criticism of him, you don't have the respect of any real, rational logical thinking men. It's below pity really, more like i see those who worship the already deluded as completely hopeless and confused.
Okay then no rational man can look up to Muhammad Ali. Most rational and logically thinking people can separate and think more deeply about circumstances and realize that Khabib did not have a choice in the matter regarding his religion, while Muhammad Ali chose to become a muslim as an adult in the secular western world.
Not bitter just stating facts. Khawrestle will cut the weight maybe 1 more time...have a seizure or go to hospital...then duck 170 and retire.

No balls to move up like Conor did. Like Max probably will.

No you have made a prediction.

You have not stated a fact.

what you have posted may or may not come to pass.

As of now, it's a prediction from a butt hurt Conol fan and it is to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Have a nice day <Moves>
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