Media Tai Tuivasa snacking on Taco Bell™ before fighting Tybura

lol @ fat out of shape McDonalds nobodies gouging Americans ripping him for having a light Taco Bell meal.
You don't have to cry. Tuivasa got schooled worse than most average American men would have.
I remember Ricky Hatton would eat a full English Breakfast a few hours before his fights as part of his pre-fight ritual.
Its nothing about Taco Bell though, honestly Tuivasa just doesn't have the skill and talent. His skill level is very low.. he is very sloppy in all his fights. Everytime there is a grappling exchange he doesn't know what to do and panics, also his chin is not that good either, I thought he might have a good chin because he is a big Islander and those guys always have chins from God, but nope, he reacts like Johnny Walker when he gets, he is not hard to drop and rock, its quite easy actually, happens often.

All in all very low skill level and is only in UFC because he is HW and the division is dreadful.
Mods shadow removed my post exposing bad food.

This place is corrupt.
Taco bell, and all other establishments like it, are feeding people what amounts to low dose poison. It will keep you in a state of physical and mental decline, and a dependent subject of the pharmaceutical and medical industry to profit off of.

Nutrition is seen as a practice of the squares, but you're a complete and utter mark if you eat processed foods. Your body has to struggle to rid you of the toxins, which is hindering your processing power, making you a low functioning human being in more ways than one.

It's funny because when they put it in movies or video games, you get it (Soylent Green, Soulstorm Brew, etc.) Yet when it's your reality, you miss it entirely. The shiny packaging should be your tell. It's a trick to get you feeding yourself things that will slowly destroy you, and make you easy to control.

Stop eating it, or remain a mark for big business and other nefarious organizations that view you as plebs to prey upon.
Actually no, I've never met a Canadian I didn't like. I'm serious too. I live in northeast Ohio on lake Erie and have ran into a lot of you guys and none have been assholes. I guess I'm different for not giving a fuck where someone is from.
i go to canada 5 times a year. my grandmother is from there. literally new york city has more asshole in one square block than canada does in an entire city. they only have the tough guy asshole demeanor on the internet. they arent assholes to anyones face. canada is ground zero for keyboard warriors. the OGs as some would say.
I always have a huge meal like 5 hours before my fights, and then an apple and electrolyte drink 1-2 hours before. Not Taco Bell though…

Heavyweights generally don’t learn proper nutrition and diet since they don’t have to cut much, or any weight at all.

I reckon you would see performances jump dramatically with a sports dietitian