Stipe Miocic is the man

He should take lessons from Connor on how to be a asshole cause he ain't going to make millions being respectful
*facepalm* do u guys have to try and drag every fighter down to Conor's level?
War Stipe!!!!!. He is what you call a real man.
Literally all Stipe has to do is win 2 more fights and Dana can market him as the greatest HW fighter of all time.

I for one am on team Stipe.
He should take lessons from Connor on how to be a asshole cause he ain't going to make millions being respectful

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?

"How about a little Throw Back Thursday?
It was right around this moment that I thought..."Did this dude seriously just kick me in the face from all the way over there?" And yeah he really did kick me in the face from all the way over there.
I probably learned more from this loss than all my wins combined. Took me a while to get over this one too. But it might be one of the best things that ever happened in my career.
I've always gotten along with my opponents after fights. But I think I root for @stefan_struve a little bit more than the rest. He is one of the nicest, classiest guys you'll ever meet.
He's been through a lot the last few years so it's awesome to see him competing again. Always rooting for you big fella.
#tbt #ufc #skyscraper #strongstyle"

Fuckin cool guy for sure. And now I will root for Stefan more too.

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