Shoop Shoop that Dana @ Jones/Gus Presser

Well he should of been done ages ago for being a complete wanker but he tagged Ben Saunders and told him he will get Ko'd. Its a ban i fully agree with the mods. One thing to say a fighter to lose, other to tag him and tell him he will get Ko'd. Thats why fighters dont like the place because of shitcunts like that. Then he made a new account and got banned again seconds later. The dude is a proper piece of shit.
Good riddance I say
Lol winner!

legit lol'd - facial expressions are all on point

This won, everybody else can keep trying but I'm calling it now.

Mahalo braddahs.

He always wins, he just lets the rest of us scrubs play because he's a nice guy.

My PM box is always open for discussion to anyone who wants tips on shooping. I used to get a fair amount of people, 2-4 a week, to help out. They usually don't last long. Some get frustrated. Some get to the skill level that they wanna be and bail out. The only one who has lasted is @Myrddin Wild.
That pink fuck is going to be purple soon. I'm giving it 2 more years at best.

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