Shoop Dat Faber

Yo, I know you weren't trying to be insensitive but the sheep shoop shows a Siamese sheep who's sibling's symbiosis and succeeding separation surgery sparked the sibling's succumbing to exsanguination. So yes, what was once simply shopping a sheep-shoop of Sac's surfy-ist specimen is straight sidetracked by society's social savoring.


Oh, oh, try reading it with "whistle lips"

Can't stop saying "sheep-shoop" now. Does that mean I watched too much Shirley Temple movies as a kid or some shit?
That's so good! Hahaha! Who do you think he's looking at?
Wow! So much win!

This is an example of a very shoopable face, and a good template to work with.

Anyone who doesn't like shoop threads, stay the fuck out and go start another hate thread.