Santa Cruz vs Frampton July 30 Barclays

Paulie pretty impressed with himself for landing that uppercut.
Bracero doing nothing.

Lets be honest. The ONLY reason they booked this fight is to fill the seats before the main card.
Bracero is going to need a bomb to win, Paulie probably up by 4.
I had Paulie winning all but like 2 rounds but I pretty much expect he earned a split decision at best.
Paulie's dream still alive.
Commentator just said Paulie made it further in boxing than Collazo did.

Couldnt be any more wrong/

If Collazo was fighting Paulie, Paulie would be #rekt
That was a terrible performance from Bracero.
Rabchenko-Harrison is going to be a good one.
Paulie got the win, now he needs to not duck Thurman and take the fight
Commentator just said Paulie made it further in boxing than Collazo did.

Couldnt be any more wrong/

If Collazo was fighting Paulie, Paulie would be #rekt
You're crazy. Paulie has some pretty decent wins and has been on the big stage more times than Collazo.
You're crazy. Paulie has some pretty decent wins and has been on the big stage more times than Collazo.
Collazo fought a prime Shane, KO'd Victor Ortiz, HURT Thurman, and roughed up Amir Khan.

Paulie? Got destroyed by Khan, Porter, Garcia. Lost to Broner.

He survived against prime Cotto. Thats his biggest accomplishment
I don't mind seeing Paulie continue to fight at this level. No more of the top dogs.

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